File name guildline-9230a-30-specifications-d2344.pdf9230A Series
Precision DC Current Shunts
Excellent as a Precision Current Shunt or Standard Resistor
current shunts are true 4-terminal devices intended for the
precise measurement of DC current. They are constructed
from specially selected elements supported on an insulating
base for mechanical stability and covered with a perforated
metal cover to allow proper cooling while providing
physical protection for the elements. The design of the
9230A includes special features to reduce the effects of
power dissipation and associated self heating errors. These
shunts are designed to operate in air at full power.
The type of material selected for the elements has a very low
temperature coefficient and the size and number of
elements chosen give the optimum surface area to dissipate
the maximum specified power in air for a particular value.
The performance of the 9230A shunts can be dramatically
improved by operating them immersed in oil or
9230ASERIES FEATURES temperature baths.
Extremely Low Self-Heating Effects The terminations of the shunts have been selected to give
low thermal emf's and in the case of the higher current
Low Temperature Coefficients values (i.e. 300 amperes and above), to ensure that the
current applied is distributed in a constant manner,
Low Thermal EMF's independent of how the connecting leads are arranged.
Wide Dynamic Range The 9230A Series of Precision DC Current Shunts
Controlled Current Distribution are true 4-terminal devices capable of the most
Through The Element demanding measurements ofpreciseDCcurrent.
< 10 ppm Long Term Stability
The care and attention to the design of the 9230A's has
Air or Oil Cooled Applications produced a series of shunts with a very wide dynamic range,
virtually from zero to full rated current. The 9230A shunts
Special Values Available On Request are also heat treated for excellent long term stabi |