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Hardware Book free download

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File information:
File name:HWBOOK32.ZIP
Size:633 kB
Mfg:Hardware Book
Descr:The Hardware Book WinHelp v1.3 Technical reference guide about computers & electronic devices. Contains pinouts for connectors and information about how to build cables etc.
Group:Electronics > Software
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name README.TXT

------------------------------------------------------------ The Hardware Book v1.3 by Joakim Ogren ------------------------------------------------------------ About: ------ The Hardware Book contains misc technical information about computers and other electronic devices. You'll find the pinout to most common (and uncommon) connectors availble, as well as info about how to build cables. Versions: --------- It's availble in 6 versions. HWBxxWIN.ZIP Windows v3.x WinHelp version in 16 colors. HWBxxW95.ZIP Windows 95 & Windows NT WinHelp version in 256 colors. With WinHelp v4.0 features. HWBxxHTM.ZIP HTML version packed with Zip. (Uses Long filenames) HWBxxHTM.TGZ HTML version packed with Tar+GZip. (Uses long filenames) HWBxxAMI.LHA HTML version packed with LhA, for Amiga users. HWBxxPDF.ZIP PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version! HwB is also found in the "non-free" section of Debian GNU/Linux. More info at: (Thanks to Marco Budde) How to install: --------------- There is currently no installation program. Just unpack it and copy the files to a wherever you wan't. and do: HWBxxWIN.ZIP Run WINHELP from Windows and open HWBOOK16.HLP HWBxxW95.ZIP Run WINHLP32 from Windows and open HWBOOK.HLP HWBxxHTM.ZIP Open hwb.html in your WWW browser. HWBxxHTM.TGZ Open hwb.html in your WWW browser. HWBxxAMI.LHA Open hwb.html in your WWW browser. HWBxxPDF.ZIP Open HWBOOKxx.PDF in PDF reader. (Adobe Acrobat) Notes WinHelp-version: ---------------------- Since the WinHelp version is converted from HTML the result may not always be the best. Notes HTML version: ------------------- It contains long filenames. Will not work fully with filesystems that the uses 8.3 convention (MS-DOS). Notes Amiga HTML version: ------------------------- It has been tested with AWeb II and IBrowse v1.02 and worked fully. Since the HTML code doesn't contain any "advanced" HTML-tags it should work with most browsers. Sorry, but some filenames are longer than 30 characters (which is a limit in AmigaOS). Will be fixed ASAP. Notes PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version: ---------------------------------- Consider this as Beta for the moment. Please report visual errors. I will also release a version for the papersize Letter later. The PDF version is very nice to use if you'd like to print from HwB. It will produce great hardcopies. Homepage: --------- You'll find it all on the Internet at HwB-News: --------- Subscribe to HwB-News, Hardware Book Newsletter. Contains info about updates and some tips. Send mail with the text SUBSCRIBE in the body of the mail to [email protected] You'll find

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