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Now downloading free:SAMSUNG softjig and interface.rar SAMSUNG softjig

SAMSUNG softjig and interface.rar SAMSUNG softjig free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:SAMSUNG softjig and interface.rar
[preview SAMSUNG softjig]
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Model:SAMSUNG softjig 🔎
Original:SAMSUNG softjig and interface 🔎
Descr:SAMSUNG softjig and interface.rar
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Monitors
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File name Interface Board for Samsung.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 D D Interface Board for SAMSUNG SVGA PC CON15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 AC 6V C LPT SVGA MON CON15 1 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 18 6 19 7 20 8 21 9 22 10 23 11 24 12 25 13 DB25 C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Pin 15 DDC UIM UIM module.Sch DATA INT 1 DATA IN/OUT DATA OUT 1 DATA INT 2 DATA OUT 2 SW2 Pin 17 Pin 5 DISPLAY CONTROL AC 6V AC 6V SW R/W SDA SCL R 100R SW1 GND VCC +5V Pin 9 R 10k Pin 11 Pin 12 B Open: DDC Write Close: DDC Read B A Title Size B Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 A Interface Board for SAMSUNG monitors Number Revision 2.0 1 16-Feb-2003 G:\TMP\MyDesign.ddb Sheet of Drawn By: 6
File name MDL Files List for monitors.pdf

SERVICE BULLETIN Product: CRT MONITOR Model: All Models 2002 Bulletin No.: MON02-015 (02-C/M-E0099) Bulletin Date: December 5, ECN Date: December 5, 2002 SUBJECT: MDL Files List Background: New models that need alignment with soft-jig 3.0B should use the attached MDL files. AQ, AP, AN, and CF are the latest chassis. Cause: Solution: Attached below are the .MDL files and on the pages following the model listing. The files can be used with either the original soft-jig Interface Board version 2.0 or new MTI-2031 DDC Manager. ...Click to Download the MTI-2031 DDC Manager... Here are 2 formats *.zip / *.exe If you do not Winzip or a program to unzip the file click on the *.exe and download to a Empty Directory on you computer. Application Date: December 5, 2002 ORIGINAL Location No. Soft-jig NEW Description Part No. BH81-90001M Part No. BH81-90001L Description MTI-2031 Interface Board Assembly Interface Board Version 2.0 Assembly Revision (11-6-2002) 1 Revision (11-6-2002) 2 Model Name Project Andromeda AN15V SyncMaster 551S Chassis SyncMaster Samtron File Name AN15V_SDI.mdl Language ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL CRT Vender SDI(SAMSUNG) CPT TOSHIBA TOSHIBA SDI(SAMSUNG) ORION TOSHIBA SDI(SAMSUNG) CPT SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) CRT Type Mini Neck Mini Neck - FBT - BNC Remark SyncMaster 551V SyncMaster 753S SyncMaster 750S Samtron 56E Samtron 56V AN15V_CPTmi.MDL AN15V_TSBmi.MDL AN17L_TSB.mdl AN17L Samtron 76E AN17L_SDI.mdl AN17L_ORN.mdl AN17K_TSB.MDL SyncMaster 753MS AN17K SyncMaster 753DF SyncMaster 753DFX SyncMaster 955B SyncMaster 955DF Samtron 76DF AN17K_SDI.MDL AN17K_CPT.MDL AN19L AN19J Samtron 96B Samtron 96BDF - AN19L_SDI.mdl AN19J_SDI.mdl CA17KS_SDI.MDL CA17JS_SDI.MDL CA17IS_SDI.MDL CA17IS_SDI_BNC.MDL CA19IS_SDI.MDL CA19IS_SDI.BNC.MDL SyncMaster 955DFX SyncMaster 763MB SyncMaster 765MB Cassiopeia CA17K CA17J CA17I CA19I SyncMaster 757MB SyncMaster 957MB BNC BNC - CA19J SyncMaster 955MB SyncMaster 1100PPlus SyncMaster 1100DF - CA19IS_SDI.MDL CF21MS_SDI.MDL CF21GS_SDD_E0802.mdl AP17JS_SDI_CHI.MDL CEPHUES CF21MS CF21GS Apus AP17J SyncMaster 765DFX - CHINESE ENGLISH JAPANESE CHINESE ENGLISH JAPANESE - SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) SDI(SAMSUNG) ORION TOSHIBA Mini Neck Mini Neck AP17JS_SDI_ENG.MDL AP17JS_SDI_JPN.MDL AP17KS_SDI_CHI.MDL AP17K SyncMaster 763DFX - AP17KS_SDI_ENG.MDL AP17KS_SDI_JPN.MDL AQ15H SyncMaster 553B - AQ15HS_ORNmi.mdl AQ15HS_TSBmi.mdl Revision (11-6-2002) 3 Aqulila AQ15VS_ORN.mdl AQ15VS_ORN_EDC.mdl AQ15VS_SDI.mdl AQ15V SyncMaster 551V SyncMaster 551S Samtron 56V AQ15VS_SDI_EDC.mdl AQ15VS_SDImi.mdl AQ15VS_SDImi_EDC.mdl AQ15VS_TSBmi.mdl AQ15VS_TSBmi_EDC.mdl AQ17H SyncMaster 750P SyncMaster 757P SyncMaster 757DF SyncMaster 700IFT AQ17HS_SDI.mdl AQ17HS_SDI_BNC.mdl AQ17IS_SDI.mdl AQ17IS_SDI_BNC.mdl AQ17KS_SDI_09
File name UIM Module.pdf

1 2 3 4 5 6 UIM for SAMSUNG, LG and other monitors D AC 6V B1 AC 6V 1 2 AC V+ AC V3 4 GND GND 1 + C1 100u/25V S1 78L05 Vin Vout 3 VCC +5V + C2 100u/6,3V C3 100n GND D 2 GND GND GND SW R/W R6 2k2 VCC +5V C R2 GND R1 4k7 GND SDA 12 SVGA R8 150R NOT N1 3 NOT SCL 15 SVGA B DATA OUT 2 R7 150R DATA INT 2 4 11 NOT NOT N3 10 5 NOT N5 6 DAT OUT 1 inv 2 N2 1 12 4k7 R3 4k7 N4 13 R9 4k7 DATA INT 1 R4 4k7 DATA OUT 1 C To Monitor SVGA To LPT PC B N1 - N5 74LS06 A Title Size B Date: File: 1 2 3 4 5 A Universal Interface Module - UIM Number 1.0 Sheet of Drawn By: 6 Revision 1 16-Feb-2003 G:\TMP\MyDesign.ddb

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