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Original:s vifu 🔎
Descr: panasonic Audio NV-VP21EC Viewing SGML_VIEW_DATA ALL NV-VP21EC SVC s_vifu.pdf
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VIDEO MAIN SIGNAL PATH IN REC MODE AUDIO MAIN SIGNAL PATH IN REC MODE NAVIGATION VIDEO MAIN SIGNAL PATH IN PLAYBACK MODE AUDIO MAIN SIGNAL PATH IN PLAYBACK MODE INTERCONNECTION VIF-UNIT (MODEL: EF) G F E LA 75520 U-TLM-E D NV-VP21EC-S TO MAIN PCB I/O 1/2 NV-VP26EC-S NV-VP21EP-S NV-VP31EC-K NV-VP31EBL-S NV-VP31EC-S NV-VP31EB-S NV-VP31EP-S Ref.No. VEP07A71L VEP07A71M VEP07A71N C C0717 - - 18P C0721 68P[JC] [22] 33P[JC] [22] 47P[JC] [22] C0725 3P 12P 3P C0728 - 56P - C0730 68P 22P - LB0701 - - J0JBC0000041 R0701 - 0 - R0705 2700[22] 3900[22] 4700[22] R0709 - - 0 R0714 - - 10K R0728 - 0 - R0729 10K 10K - B R0730 10K[22] - - R0731 - - 100 R0732 - - 0 R0740 470 470 270 X0701 J0B4045A0002 J0B4155A0003 J0B3955A0001 X0702 - - J0B4055A0001 X0704 VLF1493 VL1495 VLF1497 Note: Marked *(spare) parts are not assembled NV-VP21EC/EP Important Safety Notice: ! NV-VP26EC A Components identified with the mark have the special characteristics for safety. NV-VP31EC/EB/EBL/EP When replacing any of these components VIF-UNIT use only the same type.

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