File name Guildline6564Datasheet.pdfModel 6564 Series
First Commercially Available High to Ultra High Resistance Scanner
Guildline's 6564 High to Ultra-High Resistance
Scanners are the first commercial scanners capable of
operating with measurement capabilities to 10 P 's (1015) and
at voltages to 1000 Vdc. This capability has never previously
been commercially available, and will greatly improve the
measurement and calibration throughput of high and ultra-
high ohm resistors now that standard laboratories can easily
and quickly automate a single or multiple resistance values.
8 Channel Model Shown Use of the 6564 Scanners makes no material contribution
towards uncertainty based on noise or repeatability. As an
example, this means using the scanner has no measured effect
6564SERIES FEATURES on Guildline's 6520 Teraohmmeter Transfer measurement
mode of operation throughout the entire range of the meter.
Withstands up to 1000 Vdc Providing Fully Contributing less than 1 ppm of Leakage for measurements at
Automated Resistance Measurements 100 G the 6564 scanner has negligible effect on
Measurements from 100k to 10P with No the uncertainty contribution when used for direct reading
Guarding Required measurements considering the uncertainty budgets of
measurements at these values. Furthermore, due to the
Fully Automates 6520 Short Transfer
repeatability of the scanner's leakage, this leakage is easily
characterized and can be removed by specifying the offset. A
Very Low Leakage which can be Easily complete table of the error contribution due to leakage of the
Characterized 6564 Scanner is provided on page 2 of this datasheet.
Thermoelectric Potentials: <20 nV
The 6564 Series Scanners Provides >10015 Typical
Contact Life: 10,000,000 Cycles
Isolation, Measurements |