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Philips p39-46 free download

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Descr: Philips Monitor CD 2001 Monitor CD 2001 E-MANUALS Philips crt 104s PDF p39-46.pdf
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Repair flow chart 104S CM23 GSIII 39 Go to cover page A. Power Supply Failure 1. Sympton : check 7103 pin7 check 7103 no startup sound Ok 100V2.5V /6111 Turn power off 2. Sympton : check the resistance for hicup mode with check 7103 all output voltages+180, OK startup sound or pin 3 normal ? 80,12,-12,+6,+5,+8 V blinking LED check 6172/6157/6158 6160/6161 short? No OPP possibly active check 3125,3116,3117, 3118,6110,6109 OK replace 5110 7103 pin7 check 7156 pin3 check 7156 pin1 Ok No possibly active by voltage dip 7153 pinC shorted No Ok check

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