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AKAI AM32 free download

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File information:
File name:AKAI AM32.pdf
[preview AM32]
Size:337 kB
Model:AM32 🔎
Descr:Is not the original schematic of AKAI AM32. Manual traced following traces and solder points. I think it is util to someone.
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Electrical diagram
Multipart:No multipart

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File name AKAI AM32.pdf

AKAI AM-32 (60W-channel) IMPORTANT : this is not the original AKAI AM-32 schematic . I have copied this scheme,following the traces and solders of PCB board of the amplifier ,when i repaired it. I don't guarantee that the whole scheme is exact and my instrument is not very precise, then IF YOU USE IT ,YOU DO IT TO YOUR RISK. Also, the schematic is not complete , but include the following circuits: - left channel final amplifier (note that the right channel has the same component's name of left channel ) - final power supply - safety circuit - switch board (D board) - some components data Do not include primary power supply Traced by MPANTEC ,with TARGET3001 FOR PCB POOL , W102 R116 680ohm +B1(+56V6) W111 R L -B(-66V6)+B(+66V6) LEFT IN L4 primary supply (not traced here) +B R105 3K 220V~ 50Hz start F1 S1 Fuse L1 L2 R112 3K D3 C122 L3 ~ BR1 D1 + D2 + DZ114 DZ113 R101 100 D4 ~ +VCC(+43V) 56V2 4700uF C101 + 56V R106 220 +15V +24V(26V7) -15V R151 R150 4700uF +VCC C131 4u7 50V -0V71 + R102 100 C134 IC102 HA12002 Pin1 Pin2 Pin3 Pin4 Pin5 Pin6 Pin7 Pin8 R D109 D108 R108 92 +VCC -B R153 C114 C114 -1V58 D104 D103 -65V6 TR103 2SC2910 -66V4 R110 100 -66V6 R111 47K C119 R152 C119 R152 R107 92 W104 -VCC(-43V) -0V77 TR102 2SC3381 (DUAL NPN) +B1 TR104 2SA970 56V8 C103 C116 TR105 2SA970 56V3 DL112 C102 TR116 2SA970 TR113 2SA970 LED 54V7 R149 TR106 2SC2910 -65V9 R120 220 R156 22K D102 1N4148 -65V2 collector of TR111 right channel +VCC R115 220 -B R134 + C113 TR112 2SA970 R135 47K +VCC R130 27K C105 TR109 2SC3119 R124 3K -0V18 1V12 R157 68 0V6 R127 16 +24 R126 100 43V7 SAFETY TR111 2SC2240 R133 148K R145 47K D107 1N4148 TR902 2SC3854 +VCC D106 1N4148 VR101 1K TR901 2SC3116 D110 1/2 R1 0R22 L101 0V Rel1 R144 10 J101 RIGHT OUT LEFT OUT -0V5 R125 1K5 1/2 R1 0R22 -0V6 TR110 2SA1248 -1V12 R159 68 R128 16 R143 10 R136 C111 -VCC TR903 2SA1490 C112 +15V IC101 5218 1 R118 470K R138 8 3 + R137 -15V 4 2 R119 470K C107 C133 C132 -VCC C106 R140 C108 R139 C142 R142 R147 + C109 R141 FEEDBACK + D-BOARD W8 L TO LED PANEL R R TO B-BOARD W7 DAT/TAPE2 R G L G R G L L TO B-BOARD L W10 R L w9 JW48 L JW47 SW2 DIRECT W11 AUX W6 TUNER R G L G R G L FROM A-BOARD J2 R L JW49 JW50 R PHONO W5 R G L G R G L CD ALL SWITCHES PRESSED UNPRESSED from power supply J1 to bottom board JW51 1 2 3 4 5 OUT1 -IN1 +IN1 VEE substrate C VCC OUT2 -IN2 +IN2 6 2SC3881 B E E B C 7 1 2 D 1 rel่ driver GND temperature revealing audio signal IN AC detect overload revealing BIAS positive feedback IC101 (155218) HA12002 3 4 5 6 7 8 substrate G S S G D 2 3 4 5 6 7 2SK389

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