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Now downloading free:Harris ICL7129

Harris ICL7129 free download

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Model:ICL7129 🔎
Original:ICL7129 🔎
Descr:4 1/2 digit LCD single-chop A/D converter
Group:Electronics > Components > Integrated circuits
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Semiconductor ICL7129 41/2 Digit LCD, Single-Chip A/D Converter Description The Harris ICL7129 is a very high performance 41/2-digit, analog-to-digital converter that directly drives a multiplexed liquid crystal display. This single chip CMOS integrated circuit requires only a few passive components and a reference to operate. It is ideal for high resolution hand-held digital multimeter applications. The performance of the ICL7129 has not been equaled before in a single chip A/D converter. The successive integration technique used in the ICL7129 results in accuracy better than 0.005% of full scale and resolution down to 10µV/count. The ICL7129, drawing only 1mA from a 9V battery, is well suited for battery powered instruments. Provision has been made for the detection and indication of a "LOW/BATTERY" condition. Autoranging instruments can be made with the ICL7129 which provides overrange and underrange outputs and 10:1 range changing input. The ICL7129 instantly checks for continuity, giving both a visual indication and a logic level output which can enable an external audible transducer. These features and the high performance of the ICL7129 make it an extremely versatile and accurate instrument-on-a-chip. August 1997 Features · · · · · · · · · · ±19,999 Count A/D Converter Accurate to ±4 Count 10µV Resolution on 200mV Scale 110dB CMRR Direct LCD Display Drive True Differential Input and Reference Low Power Consumption Decimal Point Drive Outputs Overrange and Underrange Outputs Low Battery Detection and Indication 10:1 Range Change Input Ordering Information PART NUMBER ICL7129CPL ICL7129RCPL ICL7129CM44 TEMP. RANGE (oC) 0 to 70 0 to 70 0 to 70 PACKAGE 40 Ld PDIP 40 Ld PDIP 44 Ld MQFP PKG. NO. E40.6 E40.6 Q44.10x10 NOTE: "R" indicates device with reversed leads. Pinouts ICL7129 (PDIP) TOP VIEW OSC1 1 OSC3 2 ANNUNCIATOR 3 DRIVE B1 , C1 , CONT 4 A1 , G1 , D1 5 F1 , E1 , DP1 6 DISPLAY OUTPUT LINES B2 , C2 , LO BAT 7 A2 , G2 , D2 8 F2 , E2 , DP2 9 B3 , C3 , MINUS 10 A3 , G3 , D3 11 F3 , E3 , DP3 12 B4 , C4 , BC5 13 A4 , D4 , G4 14 F4 , E4 , DP4 15 BP3 16 BP2 17 BP1 18 VDISP 19 DP4 /OR 20 40 OSC2 39 DP1 38 DP2 37 RANGE 36 DGND 35 REF LO 34 REF HI 33 IN HI 32 IN LO 31 BUFF 30 CREF29 CREF+ 28 COMMON 27 CONTINUITY 26 INT OUT 25 INT IN 24 V+ 23 V22 LATCH/HOLD B2 , C2 , LO BAT B3 , C3 , MINUS A1 , G1 , D1 F1 , E1 , DP1 A2 , G2 , D2 F2 , E2 , DP2 A3 , G3 , D3 F3 , E3 , DP3 B4 , C4 , BC5 A4 , D4 , G4 21 DP3 /UR F4 , E4 , DP4 DGND RANGE DP2 DP1 OSC 2 OSC 1 OSC 3 NC NC ANNUNCE DRIVE B1 , C1 , CONT 1 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 2 32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 V+ VNC NC LATCH/ HOLD DP3 /UR DP4 /OR VDISP BP1 BP2 BP3 ICL7129 (MQFP) TOP VIEW CONTINUITY COMMON INT OUT REF LO REF HI CREF+ CREF- 24 10 11 23 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 INT IN BUFF IN LO IN HI CAUTION: These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge. Users should follow proper IC Handling Procedures. Copyright © Harris Corporation 1997 File Number 3085.

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