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Now downloading free:Artesyn Technology NLP65-9640

Artesyn Technology NLP65-9640 free download

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File name:NLP65-9640_baynet.pdf
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Size:100 kB
Mfg:Artesyn Technology
Model:NLP65-9640 🔎 NLP659640
Original:Baystack 350 Router 🔎
Descr:PDF for Nortel Baystack 350 Router 65 Watt Supply
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Network equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name NLP65-9640_baynet.pdf

DRAWING NO. 971650-01 REVISION A SHEET 2 Part Number: Rev: Description: 117669-A 02 65 WATT POWER SUPPLY FUNCTIONAL SPEC REV 00 01 ECO NO DESCRIPTION Preliminary Release 5.4: change bw from 30 to 20 MHz, 5.7: change max turnon delay from 1 to 1.5s, 5.11 change OV level of 3.35v output tolerance from 10 to 15%, Item 5.3: add reg. to be measured at end of cable, Item 5.4: change 3.3v ripple to 50mVpp max, Item 7.2: Add color code chart to Table 2, swap 12v and 12v RTN pins DATE 6/2/97 6/10/97 DFTG APPVD 02 7/11/97 These drawings and specifications are the property of Bay Networks, and shall not be reproduced, or copied or used as the basis for the manufacture or sale of apparatus without written permission. Part Number: Rev: Description: Printed on: 117669-A 02 65 WATT POWER SUPPLY FUNCTIONAL SPEC 4/22/2005 1:57 PM Date 6/2/97 Originator: Checked: Engineer: File Path: M BEAVER The corresponding drawing to this spec can be found in: DRAWING NO. 971650-01 REVISION A SHEET 3 Part Number: Rev: Description: 117669-A 02 65 WATT POWER SUPPLY FUNCTIONAL SPEC 1.0 1.1 Document Overview Scope This specification defines a 65 watt, harmonic corrected universal input, switching power supply. The supply provides 3 dc output voltages (3.3, 5, and 12) for a total output power of 65 watts maximum with forced air cooling. The power supply shall be open frame with a mounting bracket. Input and output cables shall be attached to the power supply. 2.0 2.1 Safety and Compliance Requirements UL1950 The supply must be recognized to UL1950 and so labeled. The recognition shall be without D3 deviations and shall include stalled fan tests. See item 2.2 for cUL option. 2.2 CSA 22.2 No. 950 or cUL The supply must be certified to CSA 22.2 No. 950 and so labeled. cUL certification is preferred. 2.3 EN60950 The supply must be tested to EN60950, Class 1, SELV. The supply shall be designed to meet all EN60950 Nordic Deviations. A CB formatted test report shall be provided to Bay Networks. 2.4 CE Mark The supply must be certified in accordance with European Directive EN55022 for emissions, EN50082-1 for immunity, and EN60950 with all amendments and so labeled. 2.5 AUSTEL AS3260 The supply shall be designed to meet AS3260. 2.6 BABT The power supply shall be manufactured in a BABT certified plant. See 9.1 Certificate of Compliance. 2.7 Conducted EMI When installed in a system, the power supply shall meet the conducted EMI limits specified in FCC Docket No. 20780 Part 15 Subpart J Class A and the limits specified in EN55022, Level A. The power supply shall provide a minimum of 6dB margin. 2.8 Radiated EMI When installed in a system the power supply shall not prevent compliance to the radiated EMI limits specified in FCC Docket No. 20780 Part 15 Subpart J Class A and the limits specified in EN55022, Level A. 2.9 Electromagnetic Compatibility/Input Transients DRAWING NO. 971650-01 REVISION A SHEET 4 Part Number: Rev: Description: 117669-A 02 65 WATT POWER SUPPLY FUNCTI

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