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Sony CAR0376 free download

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Model:CAR0376 🔎
Original:CAR0376 🔎
Descr: Sony Car Stereo Service Bulletin CAR0376.PDF
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Car Stereo CSA-14 Service Bulletin Sony Service Company - Technical Services A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Drive, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 Model: MDX-40/400 No. 376 Subject: Skipping. Date: September 13, 1995 Symptom: (57) The unit skips while playing recordable or pre-recorded discs Solution: If the customer complains of these symptoms, implement the changes shown below. REF DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER - RETAINER 3-916-086-01 Applicable Serial Numbers: MDX-40 11669 - 17050 MDX-400 15187 - 20882 Procedure 1- Remove and discard the retainer which secures the flex cable to the optical pickup block. 2- Clean the area from which the retainer was removed with alcohol. 3- Install the new retainer which includes a lead wire. 4- Secure the lead wire with a small amount of glue as shown. Be sure to keep the height of the glue droplet to 1 mm or less. 5- Dress the lead wire snugly along the top of the optical pickup block and down the side as shown. 6- Solder the lead wire to the laser ground trace on the flex cable as shown. (Continued) Reference: Technical News ME-95011 PRINTED IN USA Autoflagged - NO PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Car Stereo Service Bulletin No. 376 Filename: CAR0376.SB Directory: J:\SBDOC\SEP95 Template: C:\WINWORD\S_BULL.DOT Title: Subject: Author: Hoyt Wing Lee Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: 09/13/95 11:19 AM Revision Number: 2 Last Saved On: 09/13/95 11:19 AM Last Saved By: Hoyt Wing Lee Total Editing Time: 0 Minutes Last Printed On: 04/01/96 11:04 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 2 Number of Words: 195 (approx.) Number of Characters: 1,113 (approx.)

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