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TDA8138 5.1V +12V REGULATOR WITH DISABLE AND RESET . . . . . . . . . OUTPUT CURRENTS UP TO 1A FIXED PRECISION OUTPUT 1 VOLTAGE 5.1V +/- 2% FIXED PRECISION OUTPUT 2 VOLTAGE 12V +/- 2% OUTPUT 1 WITH RESET FACILITY OUTPUT 2 WITH DISABLE BY TTL INPUT SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION AT BOTH OUTPUTS THERMAL PROTECTION LOW DROP OUTPUT VOLTAGE AVAILABLE ALSO IN HEPTAWATT PACKAGE IN TWO VERSIONS : TDA8138A (DISABLE ONLY), TDA8138B (RESET ONLY) SIP9 (Plastic Package) ORDER CODE : TDA8138 DESCRIPTION The TDA8138 is a monolithic dual positive voltage regulator designed to provide fixed precision output voltages of 5.1V and 12V at currents up to 1A. An internal reset circuit generates a reset pulse when the output 1 decrease below the regulated voltage value (for TDA8138 and TDA8138B). Output 2 can be disabled by TTL input (for TDA8138 and TDA8138A). Short circuit and thermal protections are included in all the versions. PIN CONNECTIONS HEPTAWAT (Plastic Package) ORDER CODE : TDA8138A / TDA8138B SIP9 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Tab. connected to Pin 5 OUTPUT 1 OUTPUT 2 N.C. RESET GROUND DISABLE DEL. CAP. INPUT 2 INPUT 1 HEPTAWATT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Tab. connected to Pin 4 OUTPUT1 OUTPUT2 N.C. FOR TDA8138A RESET FOR TDA8138B GROUND DISABLEFOR TDA8138A DEL. CAPA FOR TDA8138B 8138-01A.EPS - 8138-01B.EPS INPUT 2 INPUT 1 May 1993 1/6 TDA8138 BLOCK DIAGRAM (SIP9 package) IN 1 1 IN 2 2 REFERENCE OUT 1 9 OUT 1 6 PROTECTION RESET RESET 3 DELAY CAPACITOR DISABLE 4 DISABLE OUT 2 8 OUT 2 TDA8138 8138-02.EPS 5 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Symbol VIN VDIS VRST IO1, 2 Pt Tstg Tj DC Input Voltage Pin 1 Disable Input Voltage Pin 3 (Heptawatt) or Pin 4 (SIP9) Output Voltage at Pin 6 (SIP9) or Pin 5 (Heptawatt) Output Currents Power Dissipation Storage Temperature Junction Temperature Parameter Value 20 20 20 Internally Limited -65 to +150 0 to +150 o o Unit V V V C C THERMAL DATA Symbol Rth (j-c) Rth (j-a) Tj Parameter Maximum Thermal Resistance Junction-case for SIP9 Maximum Thermal Resistance Junction-case for Heptawatt Maximum Thermal Resistance Junction-ambient for SIP9 Maximum Recommended Junction Temperature Value 8 3 60 130 Unit o C/W o o C/W o C 2/6 8138-02.TBL C/W 8138-01.TBL Internally Limited TDA8138 ELECTRICAL CHRACTERISTICS (VIN1 = 7V, VIN2 = 14V, Tj = 25oC, unless otherwise specified) Symbol VO1 VO2 VO1 VO2 VIO1,2 VO1,2LI Output Voltage Output Voltage Output Voltage Output Voltage Dropout Voltage Line Regulation Parameter Test Conditions IO1 = 10mA IO2 = 10mA 7V < VIN1 < 14V 14 < VIN2 < 18V 5mA < IO1,2 < 750mA IO1,2 = 750mA IO1,2 = 1A 7V < VIN1 < 14V 14 < VIN2 < 18V IO1,2 = 200mA 5mA < IO1 < 0.6A 5mA < IO2 < 0.6A IO1 = 10mA Output 2 Disabled K = VO1 See circuit description Ce = 100nF See circuit description I5 = 5mA V5 = 10V Tj = 0 to 125oC VO 106 KO = T VO VIN1 = 7V, VIN2 = 14V VIN1,2 = 16V (see Note) 2 0.8 0V < VDIS < 7V -100 145 2 100 K - 0.4 20 K0.25 50 25 0.4 10 Min. 5 11.76 4.9 11.5 Typ. 5.1 12 Max. 5.2 12.24 5.3 12.5 1.4 2 50 120 100 250 2 K - 0

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