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Now downloading free:Kenwood TK-D240-Antiexplosivo-B5K-0537-00

Kenwood TK-D240-Antiexplosivo-B5K-0537-00 free download

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File name:TK-D240-Antiexplosivo-B5K-0537-00.pdf
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Model:TK-D240-Antiexplosivo-B5K-0537-00 🔎
Original:TK-D240-Antiexplosivo-B5K-0537-00 🔎
Descr: Kenwood Radios TK-D240-Antiexplosivo-B5K-0537-00.pdf
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File name TK-D240-Antiexplosivo-B5K-0537-00.pdf

VHF DIGITAL TRANSCEIVER/ UHF DIGITAL TRANSCEIVER NX-240/ NX-340 INTRINSICALLY SAFE/ NON-INCENDIVE MANUAL B5K-0537-00 (M) CSA Approval Product Listing (For Use in Hazardous [Classified] Locations) CSA Approved Radios Manual Supplement For NX-240/ NX-340 KENWOOD CSA Approved Radio Model Intrinsically Safe (I.S.)/ Non-Incendive (N.I.) CSA Approval labels are attached to the portable radio to identify the unit as being CSA Approved for specified hazardous atmospheres. The label specifies the hazardous Class/Division/Group along with the KENWOOD battery pack model number(s) that must be used. The radio and battery pack with a CSA Approval label is identified as being CSA Approved for specified hazardous atmospheres. This label specifies the The Approval mark is as shown hazardous Class/Division/Group(s) along with the battery pack(s) part or model number(s) specified by KENWOOD that must be used. The CSA label is located on the back of the radio chassis under the battery pack and on the back of the battery pack. The CSA Approval Mark is shown above. The transceiver conforms to intrinsically safe ratings of CSA The hazardous location ratings are divided into Class, Division, and Group to

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