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Sony HFP0453 free download

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Model:HFP0453 🔎
Original:HFP0453 🔎
Descr: Sony HiFi Service Bulletin HFP0453.PDF
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Hi-Fi Products CSA-13 Service Bulletin Sony Service Company - Technical Services A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Drive, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 Model: MHC-C33, MHC-C55 No. 453 Subject: R503, R504 NEW VALUES Date: October 26, 1995 Symptom: Discs Jam, or the Unit May Fail to Identify Discs Properly (165) Solution: If a customer complains of this symptom, replace R503 and R504 (on the O/C SW board) with new values to improve the disc detector sensitivity. REF FORMER NEW DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER R503 300 , 1-247-818-11 180 , 1-247-813-81 R504 15K , 1-249-431-11 33K , 1-247-867-81 Note: Units manufactured since June 94 include the new resistors. The serial number range is listed below. MHC-C33 807075 and up MHC-C55 827030 and up Reference: FPR- Q1330 PRINTED IN USA PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER Filename: HFP0453.SB Directory: J:\SBDOC\OCT95 Template: C:\WINWORD\TEMPLATE\S_BULL.DOT Title: Subject: Author: Hoyt Wing Lee Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: 10/26/95 11:01 AM Revision Number: 2 Last Saved On: 10/26/95 11:01 AM Last Saved By: Hoyt Wing Lee Total Editing Time: 0 Minutes Last Printed On: 04/01/96 10:47 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 1 Number of Words: 154 (approx.) Number of Characters: 882 (approx.)

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