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Now downloading free:Sony CAMARA MVC - CD 1000 Level 3

Sony CAMARA MVC - CD 1000 Level 3 free download

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MVC-CD1000 SERVICE MANUAL US Model Canadian Model Level 3 Ver 1.0 2000. 07 AEP Model UK Model E Model Australian Model Japanese Model This service manual contains information for japanese model as well. The information that is not described in this Service Manual is described in the LEVEL 2 Service Manual. When repairing, use this manual together with LEVEL 2 Service Manual. Contents of LEVEL 2 Service Manual SERVICE NOTE 1. GENERAL 2. DISASSEMBLY OVERALL STEADY SHOT MODE CONTROL 3. BLOCK DIAGRAMS LCD EVF POWER CD-272 BOARD MK-015 BOARD VC-246 BOARD VP-051 BOARD SE-115 BOARD 4. PRINTED WIRING BOARDS AND SW-342 BOARD SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS PK-051 BOARD LB-066 BOARD VF-144 BOARD CONTROL SWITCH BLOCK AE52K, ZM52K, AJ52K, MP52K, (JK52K, FS52K, LC52K ) 5. ADJUSTMENTS EXPLODED VIEWS 6. REPAIR PARTS LIST ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST DIGITAL STILL CAMERA TABLE OF CONTENTS 2. DISASSEMBLY

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