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Now downloading free:Fairchild Semiconductor fdp6670al

Fairchild Semiconductor fdp6670al free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Mfg:Fairchild Semiconductor
Model:fdp6670al 🔎
Original:fdp6670al 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Fairchild Semiconductor fdp6670al.pdf
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July 1998 FDP6670AL/FDB6670AL N-Channel Logic Level PowerTrenchTM MOSFET General Description Features This N-Channel Logic Level MOSFET has been designed 80 A, 30 V. RDS(ON) = 0.0065 @ VGS=10 V, specifically to improve the overall efficiency of DC/DC RDS(ON) = 0.0085 @ VGS= 4.5 V. converters using either synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. Critical DC electrical parameters specified at elevated temperature. These MOSFETs feature faster switching and lower gate charge than other MOSFETs with comparable RDS(on) Rugged internal source-drain diode can eliminate the need specifications. for an external Zener diode transient suppressor. The result is a MOSFET that is easy and safer to drive (even High performance trench technology for extremely low at very high frequencies), and DC/DC power supply designs RDS(ON). with higher overall efficiency. 175

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