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CAMBRIDGE hfe audio azur 752bd service en free download

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File name hfe_cambridge_audio_azur_752bd_service_en.pdf

Issue date: February 2013 Service Manual Azur 752BD Universal Upsampling Blu-ray, DVD & CD player Table of ConTenTs Chapter 1, About Maintenance 3 Chapter 2, Block Diagrams 4 Interior Image 6 Chapter 3, Function Module Schematics 7 Servo Circuit 8 Partial Introduction to Main Board System 9 Decoding Chip 10 Main Board Power Supply Circuit 11 Audio Processing Circuit 12 Video Processing Circuit 13 Other Control Circuits of Main Board 15 Panel and Button Control Circuits 16 Troubleshooting Flowcharts and Cases 17 Install Barcode 20 Precautions for Player Disassembly and Reassembly 24 Internal Structure of Unit 25 Remove the Audio Board 27 Replace the Main Board 29 Replace the Front Panel Assembly 31 Replace the Power Board 32 Circuit Diagrams 33 Parts Table 43 Packing Bill of Materials 44 Assembly Bill of Materials 45 2 Service Manual Azur 752BD Chapter One About Maintenance 1.1 Safety precautions 1.1.1 Power supply When maintenance personnel are repairing players ,he should pay special attention to the power board with ~100V-240V and DC154V-300V which will cause hurt and damage to persons! 1.1.2 When replacing accessories, please remove the power plug from socket to avoid any injures to human body. 1.2 Precautions 1.2.1 Precautions for laser head 1 Do not stare at laser head directly for laser emission will occur when laser head is working which will hurt your eyes! 2 Do not use wiping water or alcohol to clean laser head ,and you may use cotton swab. 1.2.2 About placement position 1 Never place player in positions with high temperature and humidity. 2 Avoid placing near high magnetic fields , such as loudspeaker or magnet . 3 Positions for placement should best able and secure. 1.2.3 Electro static precautions 1 Maintenance facility and working table must be earthed. 2 Maintenance man must wear electrostatic ring, and he can use antistatic gloves instead when electrostatic ring is unavailable or inconvenient to use. 3 When repairing accessories, antistatic bag is required to pack the accessory. 1.2.4 Precautions for welding 1 The soldering tin wire must satisfy the local environmental protection requirement. 2 Welding temperature must not above 350 1.3 Required de

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