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Now downloading free:cdc Software Rel Bulletin NOS VE Cycle 17 Feb84

cdc Software Rel Bulletin NOS VE Cycle 17 Feb84 free download

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1 84/02/10 SOFTWARE RELEASE BULLETIN NOSIVE (CYCLE 17) DISCLAIMER: NOS/VE Is intended for use as described In this document. CONTROL DATA CORPORATION cannot be responsible for the correct operation of features or parameters not described. LAST UPDATED fEBRUARY q, lQS4 - COMPANY PRIVATE - - COMPANY PRIVATE - 2 SOFTWARE RELEASE BULLETIN 84/02/10 NOS/VE (CYCLE 17) l ...Q_ltilaOQut.IlllH 1) The NDS/VE Cycle 11 system consists of the operating system and product set features outtined in the NOS/VE 1.0 Software Availability Bulletin (SlB). The NDS/VE Cycle 17 system must be Installed using the release materials. (Se~ the NOS/WE 1.0 SAB, pages 11 and 12, for the list of the release materia's.) NOS V2.2 Level 5q6 Operating System and lovel 587 for the Common Products must be Installed on the computer hefore tostl"ing NOS/VE Cycle 17 to complete the dual state system confIguration. 2) It is necessary to understand this document, the NOS/Ve 1.0 SAR, the NOS/VE Installation and Upgrade Manual (60463913), and the NOS 2.2 Level 596 Operating System and Level 587 for the Common Products and related documents before installing NOS/VE Cycle 17. 3) After installing NOS V2.2 Level 596 Operating System and Level 581 for the Common Products system and the NDS/YE Cycle 17 system, the NOS and NOS/VE systems may be deadstarted and placed into operation. 4) PSR numbers are Included wIth some of the Items In this document. These PSRs are outstanding as of the date of the reJ ease. - COMPANY PRIVATE - 3 SOFTWARE RELEASE BULLETIN 84/02/10 NOS/VE (CYCLE 17) Z... tl_ffAIU&fs'_Ati.tl_fROllUC.IS A complete description of OperatIng System and Product Set features may be found in the NOS/VE 1.0 Software Availability Bul1etln. Please refer to that document for NOS/VE Cycle 11 system feature information. All references in the NOS/VE 1.0 SAB to the CYSER 170-835 and CVaER 170-855 shou1d b

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