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Now downloading free:Toshiba rn2321a rn2327a 071101

Toshiba rn2321a rn2327a 071101 free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Active components Transistors Toshiba rn2321a_rn2327a_071101.pdf
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RN2321ARN2327A TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Epitaxial Type (PCT Process) RN2321A,RN2322A,RN2323A,RN2324A RN2325A,RN2326A,RN2327A Switching, Inverter Circuit, Interface Circuit And Driver Circuit Applications Unit in mm High current driving is possible. Since bias resisters are built in the transistor, the miniaturization of the apparatus by curtailment of the number of parts and laborsaving of an assembly are possible. Many kinds of resistance value are lined up in order to support various kinds of circuit design. Complementary to RN1321A~RN1327A Low VCE(sat) enable to be low power dissipation on high current driving. Equivalent Circuit And Bias Resistance Values Type No. R1 (k) R2 (k) RN2321A 1 1 1.BASE 2.EMITTER RN2322A 2.2 2.2 3.COLLECTOR RN2323A 4.7 4.7 RN2324A 10 10 JEDEC RN2325A 0.47 10 JEITA SC-70SCSC RN2326A 1 10 TOSHIBA 2-2E1A RN2327A 2.2 10 Weight: 0.006 g (typ.) Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25

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