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Gloria [radial thru-hole] HRD Series free download

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Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Gloria Gloria [radial thru-hole] HRD Series.pdf
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Radial High Voltage Standard, 85 Features Low profile medium and high voltage capacitors. Case size are smaller than conventional general purpose capacitors with high performance. Diagram of Dimensions Lead Spacing and Diameter Internal Structure Dimensions and Permissible Ripple Current 160 200 250 350 400 450 (200) (250) (300) (400) (450) (500) DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA 0.47 R47 6.3 x 11 14 8 x 12.5 16 8 x 12 16 1 010 6.3 x 11 15 8 x 12 15 8 x 12.5 17 8 x 12 17 2.2 2R2 6.3 x 11 24 8 x 12 26 10 x 12.5 28 10 x 12.5 31 3.3 3R3 6.3 x 11 30 6.3 x 11 30 8 x 12 35 10 x 12.5 38 10 x 16 40 10 x 16 42 4.7 4R7 8 x 12 36 8 x 12 36 8 x 12 36 10 x 16 40 10 x 20 48 10 x 20 50 10 100 10 x 12.5 65 10 x 16 70 10 x 16 70 10 x 20 75 13 x 21 80 13 x 21 85 22 220 10 x 20 110 10 x 20 110 13 x 21 130 13 x 26 148 13 x 26 155 16 x 26 158 33 330 13 x 21 150 13 x 21 150 13 x 21 160 16 x 26 185 16 x 26 195 16 x 32 212 47 470 13 x 21 180 13 x 26 180 13 x 26 205 16 x 32 210 18 x 36 220 16 x 36 266 100 101 16 x 26 300 16 x 26 315 16 x 36 340 18 x 41 350 18 x 41 360 22 x 41 380 220 221 16 x 36 510 18 x 36 490 22 x 41 530 330 331 18 x 41 530 22 x 41 670 470 471 22 x 41 800 * Alternative D X L available upon request JEENN CHWANQ ENTERPRISE CO., LTD Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, since 1975 11F-1, B, No.93, Tashun 1st Rd, Kaohsiung Taiwan TEL: 886-7-7319008 FAX: 886-7-7315732 Email: [email protected]

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