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Now downloading free:Kenwood TKR-750 850 Modification v102

Kenwood TKR-750 850 Modification v102 free download

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Modification Information (MOD) For TKR-750/850 Version2 T K R - 7 5 1 /8 5 1 Version: 1.02 USA Last Updated: Sep, 2005 Language: English Type: K About Copyright All copyrights and other intellectual property rights for this technical document and relevant in-depth manuals as well as the software described in this technical document, relevant in-depth manuals, and help texts and manuals attached to the software are owned by Kenwood Corporation. A right to use the software described in this technical document and relevant in-depth manuals is granted to a licensee by Kenwood Corporation; however, the title to and ownership of the software shall be owned by Kenwood Corporation. Refer to the help texts attached to this software for details. Kenwood Corporation does not warrant quality and performance of the software described in this technical document and relevant in-depth manuals to conform to the applicability of any use, and Kenwood Corporation shall be free from liability for any defects, damage or loss, or from any warranty to anything other than expressly described in this technical document and relevant in-depth manuals. Revision history Date Description Sep. 2005 Add Terminal description Sep. 2005 K-USA R&D modify CONTENTS 1 TERMINAL FUNCTION ...1 1.1 8-pin Connector ... 1 1.2 15-pin Connector ... 2 1.3 25-pin Connector (D-SUB)... 3 1.4 14-pin Connector (CN601)... 4 2 MODIFICATION OF THE ANTENNA ...5 3 INSTALLING THE VOICE SCRAMBLER BOARD ...7 3.1 Configuring and Modifying the SC20-460 Board ... 7 3.2 Installing the SC20-460... 9 3.3 Configuration with the Software ... 10 4 MODIFYING THE DC POWER ...12 5 EXTRACTING RSSI SIGNAL FROM THE ACC 25-PIN D-SUB CONNECTOR ...13 Version: 1.02 USA Modification Information (MOD) 1 1 TERMINAL FUNCTION This section describes Input/Output terminals of the TKR- can write the configuration data into the TKR-750/850/ 750/850/751/851. 751/851 by connecting it to the PC with the KPG-91D. 1.1 8-pin Connector 1 2 34 56 7 8 The 8-pin connector is located on the front panel of the TKR-750/850/751/851. It can use as the microphone connector for a base station usage and maintenance. You Figure 1-1 8-pin connector Tabl

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