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Now downloading free:cdc 77765358A 94196 Wren VI ESDI Product Specification Preliminary Nov88

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SPEC 77765358 Cl c:\ CONTI\OL DATA CO 5 ~ c::I CO~OI\ATION REV A IS'sue DATE November 1988 PAGE 1 of 66 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR TM WREN VI ESDI DISK DRIVE MODEL 94196 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR WREN VI DISK DRIVE MODEL 94196 777653S8-A SUMMARY The CDC WRENTM Peripheral family is composed of the following members. For specific information on each member. refer to the appropriate documents. MODEL I . PRODUCT I CAPACITY NAME NUMB ER * I 5PE C1F1CAT I ON _ _I N~T..;;oERF..;.;A~CE=-___ __ __ __...M__ ( __EG~AB;:;..Y;...;.T__ )'--_ __ E.;..S I WREN II 94155-XX I 11115909 CDC 506 (ST506 COMP.) 51, 61, or 80 (925 Cyl) WRE.N II 94155-XX I 11738319 CDC 506 (ST506 COMP.) 85 or 96 (1024 Cyl) WREN II 94155-XXXI 11765324 CDC 506 (ST506 COMP.) 120, 135 (RLl) WREN II 941~0-XX I 11738019 ESDI 48, 67 or 86 I WREN 11 HH 94205-XX I 17138213 CDC 506 (ST506 COMP.) 30, 41, 51, 17 (RLL) WREN 11 HH 94204-YY I 11738346 CDC 506 (ST506 COMP.) 65 I WREN 111 94166-XXX 17738212 ESDI 101," 141 or 182 WREN III 94161-YYY 71738210 SCSI ** 86, 121 or 155 (512 Byte) IWREN 111 HH 94211-YY 11765250 SCSI ** 94 (1024 Byte) WREN III HH 94216-XXX 17765276 ESDI 106 WREN IV 94171-YYY 11138386 SCSI ** 320 (1024 Byte) WREN IV 94111-YYY 11165338 SCSI ** 344 (1024 Byte) WREN IV 94171-YYYD 11765361 SCSI ** 345 (1024 Byte)(D1f. I/O) WREN V 94186-442 11165300 ESDI 442 (15 Head, 1412 Cyl) WREN V 94186-383 383 (13 Head, 1412 Cyl) WREN V 94180-383H 383 (15 Head, 1224 Cyl) . WREN V 94181-YYY 11765336

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