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CONFIDENTIAL CSV-1 Sony Service Company National Technical Services Service Bulletin A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 TV Products Model: KV-32XBR400, KV-36XBR400 No. 514 Subject: Different Versions Of B-board And HB-board Date: December 11, 2000 Used In Production. Picture From VIDEO-2 Input Will Be Too Bright Or Too Dark If Old Version Is Connected To New Version. Symptom: (F325) There are 2 versions of B-board and 2 versions of HB-board. After replacing the B- board or the HB-board the picture displayed from a source connected to the VIDEO-2 input will be too bright or too dark if the board that was installed in the set is not the same version as the board that was removed from the set. An old version HB-board connected to a new version B-board will result in the VIDEO-2 picture being too dark. A new version HB-board connected to an old version B-board will result in the VIDEO-2 picture being too bright. As of the date this bulletin was issued, both versions of the HB-board are available as service parts under their own unique part numbers. However, only the new version B-board is being stocked as a service part. The approximate serial number breakpoints between old and new versions is as follows: KV-32XBR400 old version: up to 8009113 KV-36XBR400 old version: up to 9017765 Solution: Make sure that the following compatibility is followed when replacing either the B-board or the HB-board. IMPORTANT: Refer to the silk-screened part number on the boards to determine the version. Do not rely on the part number that is stamped on the board! The silk- screened part number may not agree with the stamped number. ACCEPTABLE Old version HB-board (A-1372-835-A) with old version B-board (A-1136-110-A) New version HB-board (A-1372-904-A) with new version B-board (A-1136-147-A) UNACCEPTABLE Old version HB-board (A-1372-835-A) with new version B-board (A-1136-147-A) New version HB-board (A-1372-904-A) with old version B-board (A-1136-110-A) Continued on next page... Reference: Matsuoka E-mail 11/30/00 PRINTED IN USA AUTOFLAGGED - YES

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