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Now downloading free:Capacitor Marking Nieuw tekstdocument

Capacitor Marking Nieuw tekstdocument free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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File name:Nieuw tekstdocument.txt
Size:1 kB
Mfg:Capacitor Marking
Model:Nieuw tekstdocument 🔎
Original:Nieuw tekstdocument 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Capacitor Marking Nieuw tekstdocument.txt
Group:Electronics > Components > Capacitors
Multipart:No multipart

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capacitor marking US JAPAN Euro ----- - - - - - - ------- - ------ .1 104k 100n .12 124k 120n .15 154k 150n .22 224k 22n .33 334k 330n .47 474k 470n .56 564k 560n .68 684k 680n .82 824k 820n .01 10,000pF 103k 10n .012 12,000pF 123k 12n .015 15,000pF 153k 15n .022 22,000pF 223k 22n .033 22,000pF 333k 33n .047 47,000pF 473k 47n .056 56,000pF 563k 56n .068 68,000pF 683k 68n .082 82,000pF 823k 82n .001 1000pF 102k 1n0 .0015 1500pF 152k 1n5 .0022 2200pF 222k 2n2 .0033 3300pF 332k 3n3 .0047 4700pF 472k 4n7 .0056 5600pF 562k 5n6 .0068 6800pF 682k 6n8 .0082 8200pF 822k 8n2 100pF 101 150pF 151 220pF 221 470pF 471 100pF 100 150pF 150 220pF 220 470pF 470

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