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Now downloading free:REXROTH Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics

REXROTH Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics free download

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File name:Rexroth Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics.pdf
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Model:Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics 🔎
Original:Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment REXROTH 4Wre Rexroth Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics.pdf
Group:Electronics > Other
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File name Rexroth Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics.pdf

Rexroth Proportional Directional Valve Integrated Controller Electronics. The electronics may develop permanent faults caused by failing electrolytic capacitors. This is a guide in how to repair the electronics which may be slightly damaged or even burned severely. When having dismantled the controller it will be obvious how severe the problem is. If the controller circuit board isn't charred and no components are burned or even exploded, chances are that you only need to replace all electrolytic capacitors. Since they are the main cause of the faulty state of the electronics they should be replaced in any case. Be sure to check after replacement of the cap's if SIPMOS transistor BSP296 has developed a short between Drain & Source. If not, chances are that the unit will work normally again. Inductors, resistor and capacitor in the following picture should be checked. If the inductors show discolouring and/or the R & C components under the switched-mode transformer are burned you will need to replace these components. The transformer should be very carefully removed for servicing the R & C under it. Beware, as the transformer will break easily ! Notice the 0.01mH inductor between the transformer and the electrolytic cap's. It should also be checked for discolouring/failure. BSP296 may be burned along with the 100R resistor and the switched-mode controller UC2843. Clean the PCB after having removed the burned components. UC2843 should be replaced if the SIPMOS is destroyed along with the 100R resistor. Look at the pictures to see how the PCB is routed if damaged around the BSP296. Be sure to remove all charred PCB as any leftover will allow for creeping currents. Zenerdiode BZX84-C10 should be checked for fault (short-circuited) if the SIPMOS is defective. Replace as necessary.

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