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File name:probador remotos 220v.pdf
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Descr:probador de controles remotos - remote control tester
Group:Electronics > Automobile > Electrical diagram
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File name probador remotos 220v.pdf

CIRCUIT IDEAS INFRARED REMOTE CONTROL TESTER and as such driver transistor T1 is in cut-off state. Whenever the IR reere's a simple, low-cost, and easy- ceiver module receives a valid (modulated) to-construct infrared remote con- infrared signal, its data output pin goes trol tester. The tester is built around low in synchronism with the received inan easily available infrared receiver mod- frared bursts. As a result, transistor T1 conducts during negative pulse period and the LED blinks to indicate reception of signals from the remote such as TV remote control. A miniature acFig. 1: Schematic diagram of IR remote control tester tive buzzer is connected at the collector of transistor T1 for ule (TSOP 1238). Normally, data output pin 3 of the IR audio indication. The 5V DC for energising the circuit is receiver module is at a high level (5 volts) T.K. HAREENDRAN SAN I THE O H Fig. 2: Proposed enclosure with front-panel layout directly derived from the 230V AC mains supply. Unlike the conventional resistive voltage divider, a capacitive potential divider is used here, which does not radiate any heat and makes the tester quite compact. Another advantage of this tester is no false triggering due to the ambient light or electronic ballast-operated tubelights. A suggested enclosure for the circuit is shown in Fig. 2. ELECTRONICS FOR YOU SEPTEMBER 2002

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