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View Sonic PJ750 free download

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File name:PJ750-1_RS-232Codes.pdf
[preview PJ750]
Size:267 kB
Mfg:View Sonic
Model:PJ750 🔎
Descr:SERVICE MANUAL for the RS232 CODE OF Viewsonic PJ750
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Projectors
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File name PJ750-1_RS-232Codes.pdf

SERVICE MANUAL PJ750 Caution Be sure to read this manual before servicing. To assure safety from fire, electric shock, injury, harmful radiation and materials, various measures are provided in this Multimedia LCD Projector. Be sure to read cautionary items described in the manual to maintain safety before servicing. ServiceWarning 1. When replace the lamp, to avoid burns to your fingers. The lamp becomes too hot. 2. Never touch the lamp bulb with a finger or anything else. Never drop it or give it a shock. They may cause bursting of the bulb. 3. This projector is provided with a high voltage circuit for the lamp. Do not touch the electric parts of power unit (main), when turn on the projector. 4. Do not touch the exhaust fan, during operation. 5. The LCD module assembly is likely to be damaged. If replacing to the LCD module assembly, do not hold the FPC of the LCD module assembly. Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Features --------------------------------------------------- 2 Specifications--------------------------------------------- 2 Names of each part ------------------------------------- 3 Adjustment ------------------------------------------------ 5 Troubleshooting ---------------------------------------- 11 Service points ------------------------------------------ 17 Block diagram ------------------------------------------ 22 8. Connector connection diagram -------------------- 23 9. Wiring diagram ----------------------------------------- 24 10.Basic circuit diagram---------------------------------- 27 11.Disassembly diagram--------------------------------- 57 12.Replacement parts list ------------------------------- 59 13.RS-232C communication ---------------------------- 60 SPECIFICATIONS AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR IMPROVEMENT. Multimedia LCD Projector August 2001 13. RS-232C communication Caution The specified RS-232C cable has the user's manual with RS-232C command table. (1) Turn off the projector and computer power supplies and connect with the RS-232C cable. (2) Turn on the computer power supply and, after the computer has started up, turn on the projector power supply. Computer RS-232C terminal D-sub 9-pin 1 CD 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 RD TD DTR GND DSR RTS DTS RI 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 Projector control terminal D-sub 15-pin shrink 5 10 15 11 1 6 1 2 3 4 5 SELO 6 RTS 7 8 9 GND 10 11 12 RD 13 TD 14 15 Communications setting 19200bps, 8N1 1 Protocol Consist of header (7 bytes) + command data (6 bytes). 2 Header BE + EF + 03 + 06 + 00 + CRC_low + CRC_high CRC_low : Lower byte of CRC flag for command data. CRC_high : Upper byte of CRC flag for command data. 3 Command data Command data chart byte_0 byte_1 byte_2 byte_3 byte_4 byte_5 Action low high low Type high Setting code low high Action (byte_0 - 1) Action 1 2 4 5 6 SET GET INCREMENT DECREMENT EXECUTE Classification Content Change setting to desired value. Read projector internal setup value. Increment setup value by 1. Decrement setup value by 1. Run a command. 60 Reques

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