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Babya B2400 free download

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File information:
File name:Babya_B2400.pdf
[preview B2400]
Size:302 kB
Model:B2400 🔎
Original:V-Tech 6688KB 🔎
Descr:Simplified service manual for a 'Babya' Pentium 4 desktop. Contains general service information on how to remove the CD/DVD drives, side covers, HD's.
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Babya_B2400.pdf

Chassis Type: V-Tech Computer Industrial Corp. V6688KB © 2005 Babya Corporation Babya B2400 General Information The Babya B2400 Service Manual covers basic disassembly of the Babya B2400 PC (V-Tech chassis) It covers: Contains general service information on how to remove the CD/DVD drives, side covers, HD's. Specifications: Main Board Type ATX/ MICRO ATX/ AT/ P4 Case Type MIDDLE W/USB & AUDIO OPTION Driver Space 5.25' External 4 Driver Space 3.50' External 2 Driver Space 3.50' internal 2 Expansion Slots 7 Power Type PSII/PSIII Dimensions (WxHxD) 200x430x400mm(K) Babya B2400 COVERS INTERNAL PARTS POWER SUPPLY UNIT: Tools required: -Phillips head screwdriver Before you begin, remove the following Turn the case around to the back. Side panels SIDE PANELS: Tools required: -Phillips head screwdriver Before you begin, remove the following Turn the case around to the back. 1. 2. 3. Remove all connectors from the power supply unit Remove 4 screws from around the outside of the PSU Withdraw the PSU and install the replacement unit 1. 2. 3. Remove 3 screws from each side panel Grasp the hand grip area of each panel, and carefully remove the panel To reinstall, slide each panel back on to the sides of the case (making sure any metal MOTHERBOARD: -Remove all cables, expansion cards on the motherboard. -Remove each screw and standoff from ther motherboard with a Philips or TORX screwdriver -Withdraw the motherboard and return to Babya. DRIVES & DRIVE BAYS: Remove each screw from the floppy, CD/DVD and hard drive and its connectors Remove 2 screws from each side of the bay Slide or take out each drive Remove the screws from the drive bays and lift them out Front Panel: Remove 3-4 screws holding the front panel to the chassis and rotate it to the right to remove Babya B2400 EXPLODED VIEW BABYA B2400/B2500 Series Power Supply (350/400W) 661-2511 Bezel, Purrple 661-1023

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