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Keithley 4672-2,0 free download

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Descr: Keithley 2001M CDROM Digital Multimeters - Data Acquisition - Switch Systems Product Information CD_Content pdfs accessories 4672-2,0.pdf
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Cables TERMINATIONS LENGTH MODEL DESCRIPTION TYPE FROM TO m ft USE WITH: 236-ILC-3 Safety Interlock Shielded twisted pair 3-pin round 3-pin round 3 10 236, 237, 238, 486, 487, 8007, 8008 237-ALG-2 Low Noise Input Triax 3-slot male triax Alligator clips (3) 2 6.6 236, 237, 238, 486, 487, 6514, 6517A 248-MHV High Voltage Coax SHV female MHV male 3 10 248 248-SHV High Voltage Coax SHV female SHV female 3 10 248, CS-970 2000-MTC-2 Cable Assembly Shielded twisted pair DB44 female Unterminated 2 6.6 2000-20 2000-MTCD-2 Cable Assembly Shielded multiple conductors DB44 female DB50 male 2 6.6 2000-SCAN-20 2107-4 Input Cable Shielded twisted pair LEMO Copper spade lugs (4) 1.2 4 2182 2107-30.1 Input Cable Shielded twisted pair LEMO Copper spade lugs (4) 9.1 30 2182 4801 Low Noise Input Coax Male BNC Male BNC 1.2 4 82, 590, 595, 6485, 7158 4802-10 Low Noise Input Coax Male BNC Unterminated 3 10 82, 590, 595, 6485, 7158 4803 Low Noise Cable Kit Coax Male BNC (10) Female BNC (5) 15.2 50 82, 590, 595, 6485, 7158 6011 Input Leads Triax 2-slot triax Alligator clips (3) 1.5 5 220, 224, 263, 617, 7058 6011-10 Input Leads Triax 2-slot triax Alligator clips (3) 3 10 220, 224, 263, 617, 7058 6517-ILC-3 4-pin Interlock Cable Shielded 4-pin DIN 4-pin DIN 1 3.3 6517A, 8009 7009-5

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