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Now downloading free:Kenwood TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod

Kenwood TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod free download

Ham radio, amateur radio, two way radio, cb radio, walkie talkie service manuals and reapir information

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File name:TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod.pdf
[preview TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod]
Size:113 kB
Model:TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod 🔎
Original:TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod 🔎
Descr: Kenwood Radios TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod.pdf
Group:Electronics > Radio stations > Radios
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File name TM-281A-MARS-CAP-Mod.pdf

ASI-0104 Supplementary Info. Amateur Radio Division Subject: TM-281A MARS/CAP Modification Date: September 7, 2011 This modification is provided "as is," and is subject to change without notice. Kenwood USA Corporation makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this modification procedure, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Kenwood USA Corporation shall not be liable for any error or for incidental or consequential damage in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this modification procedure. It is illegal to operate outside the limits of your class license or permits. Procedure: 1. Turn off the transceiver and disconnect the antenna and DC supply. 2. Remove the screw on each side of the top panel. 3. Remove the top cover as shown below. 4. Locate and carefully remove Chip Resistor R768 on theTX/RX Board. Note 1

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