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Now downloading free:SONY CFD-V25 CFD-V35

SONY CFD-V25 CFD-V35 free download

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CFD-V25/V35 SERVICE MANUAL Ver 1.1 2000. 04 With SUPPLEMENT (9-923-315-81) US Model Canadian Model CFD-V25/V35 E Model CFD-V25 Photo: CFD-V35 Model Name Using Similar Mechanism Optical Pick-up Type CD Section Tape Section NEW KSM-213CDM/C2NP MF-V10-117 Tape Transport Mechanism Type SPECIFICATIONS AUDIO POWER SPECIFICATIONS POWER OUTPUT AND TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION With 3.2 loads, both channels driven from 150 ­ 10,000 Hz; rated 2W per channel-minimum RMS power, with no more than 10 % total harmonic distortion in AC operation. CD player section System Laser diode properties Cassette-corder section Recording system 4 -track 2 channel stereo Fast winding time Approx. 120 s (sec.) with Sony cassette C-60 Frequency response TYPE1 (normal) : 70 ­ 10,000 Hz Spindle speed Number of channels Frequency response Wow and flutter Radio section Frequency range Aerials Compact disc digital audio system Material: GaAlAs Wavelength:780 nm Emission duration : Continuous Laser output : Less than 44.6 µW (This output is the value measured at a distance of about 200 mm from the objective lens surface on the optical pick-up block with 7 mm aperture.) 200 r/min (rpm) to 500 r/min (rpm) (CLV) 2 20 ­ 20,000 Hz + 1/-2 dB Below measurable limit General Speakers Full range : 10 cm dia., 3.2 , cone type (2) Outputs Headphones jack (stereo minijack) For 16 ­ 64 impedance headphones Power output (excluding US model) 2.3 W + 2.3 W (at 3.2 , 10 % harmonic distortion) Power requirements For CD radio cassette-corder : 120V AC, 60 Hz 9V DC, 6 size D (R 20) batteries For memory controller : 3V DC, 2 size AA (R 6) batteries Power consumption AC 20W FM : 87.6 ­ 108 MHz AM : 530 ­ 1,710 kHz FM : Telescopic aerial AM : Built-in ferrite bar aerial -- Continued on next page -- CD RADIO CASSETTE-CORDER MICROFILM TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SERVICE NOTES ···························································· 3 2. GENERAL ·········································································· 4 3. DISASSEMBLY 3-1. Front Cabinet, Control (1) Board, Control (2) Board, Headphone Board ······························································· 9 3-2. Upper Cabinet ····································································· 9 3-3. Optical Pick-up ································································· 10 3-4. Mechanism Deck, Rec sw Board, Main Board, Power Board, Primary Board, Batt Board ························ 10 SAFETY CHECK-OUT After correcting the original service problem, perform the following safety checks before releasing the set to the customer: Check the antenna terminals, metal trim, "metallized" knobs, screws, and all other exposed metal parts for AC leakage. Check leakage as described below. LEAKAGE The AC leakage from any exposed metal part to earth ground and from all exposed metal parts to any exposed metal part having a return to chassis, must not exceed 0.5 mA (500 microamperes). Leakage current can be measured by any one of three

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