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Advantest NS0106AD - PC87312VF - Floppy Disk Controller - Parallel port & IDE Interface free download

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File name NS0106AD - PC87312VF - Floppy Disk Controller - Parallel port & IDE Interface.pdf

with Dual UARTs Parallel Port and IDE Interface PC87311A PC87312 (SuperI O II III) Floppy Disk Controller October 1993 PC87311A PC87312 (SuperI O TM II III) Floppy Disk Controller with Dual UARTs Parallel Port and IDE Interface General Description Features The PC87311A 12 incorporates a floppy disk controller Y 100% compatible with IBM PC XT and AT architec- (FDC) two full function UARTs a bidirectional parallel port tures (PC87311A) or ISA EISA and Micro Channel ar- and IDE interface control logic in one chip The PC87311A chitectures (PC87312) includes standard AT XT address decoding for on-chip Y FDC functions and a Configuration Register offering a single Software compatible with the DP8473 the 765A and chip solution to the most commonly used IBM PC the N82077 PC-XT and PC-AT peripherals The PC87312 includes 16-byte FIFO (default disabled) standard AT address decoding for on-chip functions and a Burst and Non-Burst modes Configuration Register set offering a single chip solution to Perpendicular Recording drive support the most commonly used ISA EISA and Micro Channel pe- High performance internal analog data separator (no ripherals external filter components required) The on-chip FDC is software compatible to the PC8477 Low power CMOS with power down mode which contains a superset of the DP8473 and NEC mPD765 Y UARTs and the N82077 floppy disk controller functions The on- Software compatible with the INS8250N-B and the chip analog data separator requires no external compo- NS16450 (PC87311A) or PC16550A and PC16450 nents and supports the 4 Mb drive format as well as the (PC87312) other standard floppy drives used with 5 25 and 3 5 me- Y Parallel Port dia Bidirectional under either software or hardware In the PC87311A the UARTs are equivalent to two control INS8250N-Bs or NS16450s The bidirectional parallel

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