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Sony CPD-210GS free download

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Descr:Service Manual for Sony CDP-210GS
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CPD-210GS/210EST SERVICE MANUAL REVISED CPD-210GS US Model Canadian Model Chassis No. SCC-L27C-A CPD-210EST AEP Model Chassis No. SCC-L27D-A X-110 CHASSIS · Divided circuit diagram One sheet of D board circuit diagram is divided into three sheets, each having the code D-a to D-c . For example, the destination ab1 on the D-a sheet is connected to ab1 on the D-b sheet. a b 1 Ref. No. Circuit diagram division code · D BOARD WAVEFORMS 1 3.0 Vp-p (H) 2 3.0 Vp-p (H) 3 3.4 Vp-p (H) 4 4.8 Vp-p (V) 5 5.0 Vp-p (H) 6 1.2 Vp-p (24MHz) 7 5.0 Vp-p (H) 8 5.0 Vp-p (V) 9 2.8 Vp-p (V) 0 2.0 Vp-p (V) !¡ 12.0 Vp-p (H) !TM 50.0 Vp-p (V) !£ 1.2 Vp-p (V) !¢ 1k Vp-p (H) ! 60.0 Vp-p (H) !§ 12.0 Vp-p (H) !¶ 100 Vp-p (H) (1) Schematic Diagram of D- a Board 1 A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 D-a (DEFLECTION) +5V C406 0.0033 100V ab1 ab2 +15V D402 1N4001 R403 3.3 1/2W C404 1000 25V +5V FB901 2UH R933 4.7k R935 180 R405 1k 0.8 R402 1.78k 1% C408 470 35V RN902 4.7K +5V 5.0 R901 1k +15V IC901 ST7275 CPU 2.1 56 TITL (PWM0) SUB/TILT (PWM1) AUDIO/V (PWM2) H/CENTER (PWM3) ORANGE/LED VG2 (PWM4) GREEN/LED H-SIZE (PWM5) ABL (PWM6) 13.1 B Q901 2SC945 RESET 0 R934 4.7k D902 HZ3C2 Q401 2SC945 V BLK 0.6 0.6 0 1 C409 1000p 100V R408 4.7k R410 C407 R409 3k 0.022 10k 100V -12.5 ab3 6 3 5 0.3 R401 2k 1% C403 0.022 100V R407 220 1/2W C405 0.22 50V 2 7 + C917 2.2 50V Q902 2SC945 RESET R5E6 47K C5E4 10 50V R5E7 51K GND Q5E2 2SB667 TILT DRIVE 3.3 R5F2 27 1W ab4 1 2.7 55 2 GND 0.7 R936 180 +5V 6 5 7 0.5 2 3 0.5 C5E6 0.1 50V R5E8 1.6K R5E9 100 2.7 IC401 4 TDA8172 V OUT C VG2 H-DRIVER C923 2.2 50V R970 4.7k R969 1k R905 JW 1 1.5 RESET 54 3 8 1 4 3.3 C5E8 0.22 50V R5F3 2.2 5.0 53 4 R931 470 +5V 0.7 52 2.0 51 2.0 50 2.0 49 R930 10k 3.0 5 R906 100 R932 470 IC504(2/2) LM358H R404 0.82 1W R406 2.4 C903 2.2 50V R971 2k 1% C904 2.2 50V 3.0 6 CS0 4E CS1 2D -12V CS0 D901 IC504(1/2) LM358H AMP C5E5 47 16V Q5E3 2SD647 TILT DRIVE C402 470 25V R5F5 470 R5F4 430 -12V CN505 R5F1 10K C5E7 0.0033 100V C5E9 0.22 50V R5F6 2.2 1/2W 2.7 R907 1k R929 10k CS1 R928 10k 7 R974 33.2 R908 1k 4.3 H-DRV (PWM7) 2 8 CS2 1D D S901 R977 13.3k 1% C905 2.2 50V R975 30.1k C906 2.2 50V TILT(ROTATION) COIL CS2 2.0 0.5 3 48 CE (PWM8) VSS NC VDD +5V CS3 R972 4.7k R925 22 R923 22 9 +5V C907 10 50V C908 0.1 50V CS3 6C 0.1 10 47 0.1 11 46 BLANK/O D903 1SS119 ENTER 2 MENU 3 1 R976 9.31k 1% C901 0.1 50V 6 2.2 12 OSC/I DEGAUSSING OSC/O PMG1 U/VCC PMG0 U/DP AUDIO MUTE/LED U/DM 45 0.1 R910 10k R911 10k MUTE X901 24MHz C916 47p 50V C915 47p 50V +5V +5V R968 4.7k 0.8 Q526 RN1203 BPCLP CONT R411 R412 6.81k 6.81k 1% 1% 2.3 13 44 0.1 4.9 4.9 R927 1M E PMG1 PMG0 D904 1SS119 R919 100 IC501 TDA4856 DEFLECTION CONTROL 0.2 17 HUNLOCK CLBL 0.8 16 0.1 0.4 18 15 SCL HSYNC 14 43 +5V R916 1k 1% R979 100k R978 100k R962 22 R917 1k 1% R949 10k R914 10k 1% R967 8.2k 15 42 R961 1k 1% +5V CN903 1 2 3 4 5 R960 22 R959 22

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