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NOTICE: When Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely re- lated Government procurement operation, the United States Government therebyincurs no responsibility nor obligation whatsoever; and the fact that the Government mayhave formulated, furnished or in any way sup- plied the said drawings, specifications or other data is not to be re- garded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or per- mission to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related thereto. "QUALIFIED REQUESTER MAY OBTAIN COPIES OF THIS REPORT FROM DDC. DDC RELEASE TO OTS NOT AUTHORIZED. fI MILDATA STUDY Final Report Volume II 12 August 1963 to 30 September 1964 A study of advanced techniques in all aspects of data processing applicable to CClS in the time frame 1975-1985. DA-36-039-AMC-03275 (E) SCL - 4529 Submitted 30 September 1964 Published 15 April 1965 Norman Nisenoff Program Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX A. APPLICATIONS A-l A.l Introduction A-l A.2 Personnel and Administration A-3 A.3 Logistics A-10 A.4 Fire Support A-18 A.S Intelligence A-23 A.6 Command and Control A-26 B. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS B-1 B.l Introduction B-1 B.2 Discussion of Current Large Systems B-1 B.2.l Introduction B-1 B.2.2 The IBM 7950 System B-1 B.2 .. 3 Typical Application for a Non-Arithmetic Mode Processor B.2.4 Trends in Systems Control Philosophy B-7 B.2.S Conclusions B-9 B.3 Family Properties B-9 B.4 Fundamental System Design Consideration for MILDATA Modules B-ll i B.4.1 Reliability Considerations B-ll B.4.2 Reliability Require- ments B-12 B.4.3 The Decentralized Control Concept B-12 B.4.4 Implications B-17 C. SOFTWARE C-l C.l Introduction C-l C.2 Characteristics

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