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Now downloading free:apple 17 Lisa Development System Internals Documentation Feb84

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DeveJopn18I1t SystBl11 DOCUMENTA TION ., DeveJq:ment TOOls Grotp FIRST CRAFT--FetuuBty 1984 Preface The purpose of this document is to explain the internal structures and algorithms used by the Lisa's run-time environment and development tools, and the internal library units (such as OBJIOLIB) that are related only to Lisa systems software. It is actually a collection of documents and memos, any of which can be used separately, all relating to different aspects of the system. This is a reference document for programmers working on the following: * Maintaining or enhancing existing lisa development software. * Writing compilers or utilities for the Lisa Workshop, either on contract with Apple or as third-party independants. * .riting assembly-language programs that will interfaced with our compiled code. How will they benefit from this document? * It will save the people maintaining tools the trouble of looking through the code themselves to find information. * It will save outside programmers, who don't have access to the code, from calling us to ask questions about things that ,ehave to look up in the code. * Perts of it will be included es e reference section in technical contracts that we assign to outside programmers. * It will provide assembly-language programmers with such specifics as register conventions, parameter-passing techniques, and memory layouts used by the conmpiler for different types of arrays and structures. * It cen be used to trein new systems softwere programmers on the existing internals of the system. Contents Lisa Development Software Documentation: A Road Map Pascal Compi ler Directives Pascal Code-Cruncher's Handbook The Last Whole Earth Text File Format Pascal's Packing Algorithm PASLIB Procedure Interface PPaslibC Unit: Privileged PASLIB Calls Execution Environment of the Pascal Compiler Intrinsic Units Mechanism (overview) IUManager (old and "spring release" versions) Object Fi Ie Formats Inbterface to OBJIOLIB Format of .SYMBOLS File Shell-Writer's Guide 17/~. L Lisa Development Software Documentation: A Road Map Irtroduction Thh roed map was designed to help you to rind your w~ around the verious documents describing program development for the Lisa. It will help you decide which software you need to learn more about, which software you can ignore for the moment, and how you should proceed in stuctying the rest of the technical documentation. General CWerview cI the Erwirormertl Available lhere are 8., many way~ of writing programs as are creative programmers. However, Apple supports only three general $tyles of programs that you can Yflite for the Lhe.:

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