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DVD player, DVD recorder, digital recorder, DVD R - Sony, Panasonic, LG - service manual and repair information

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File name:Sony_NSxx_NCxx_Remote.pdf
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File name Sony_NSxx_NCxx_Remote.pdf

SONY NSxx REMOTE USER INSTRUCTIONS Follow these instructions 100% , any incorrect key press will render the remote useless and you will have failed to upgrade the player. 1. Get your player ready to accept the code ... you should simply have the player WITH NO DISC INSIDE plugged in but in STANDBY (Standby is the "off" state where the unit can be switched back on using the remote ­ on some models a red light will be on). 2. Put batteries into the upgrade remote, the LED will light to indicate the remote is ready. 3. Aim the upgrade remote at your DVD player and press and hold the Red Power Key ( if you have received a remote with only one button it may not be red ) , the LED on the Upgrade remote will flash 5 times before going out. Your DVD player will also switch on at this time. 4. Using your original remote switch your DVD player back into Standby then unplug it from the mains for 5 seconds. That's it ! Plug the player back in and it will be Multi region.

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