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Now downloading free:DFI AK74-EC

DFI AK74-EC free download

Mother board, main board pcb info and schematics

File information:
File name:AK740322.ZIP
Size:154 kB
Model:AK74-EC 🔎 AK74EC
Descr:User manual
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name Readme.txt

BIOS DATE : FEB/28/2001 CK: BIOS CODE : 1. Fixed that plug ZIP device and HDD can'y enter Win98 and show "Window Protection Error" message 2. Fixed that use three DIMM can't run PC133MHz BIOS DATE : FEB/21/2001 CK:2 BIOS CODE : 1FB0 1. Fixed that use modem card and telephone-in will cause Win98 hang up BIOS DATE : JAN/18/2001 CK:1 BIOS CODE : CD11 1. Modify that if no AC97 Codec then hidden Audio/Sound Item in BIOS menu 1. Fixed that use Fdisk utility always report 10GB if HDD is over 40GB BIOS DATE : NOV/29/2000 CK:BF8B BIOS CODE : 2K105 1. Modify CPU Clock Control register for AMD request 2. Fixed that plug SCSI HDD and SCSI CDROM then the system can't boot 3. Modify AGP mode Item for "1X", "2X", and "4X" for different VGA card BIOS DATE : NOV/18/2000 CK:5078 BIOS CODE : 2K102 1. FIXED "HERCULES GEFORCE MX VGA CARD" FOR TEST 3D WINMARK 2000 HANG UP 2. Modify Vcore value to down grade 20 mV for customer request BIOS DATE : NOV/09/2000 CK:81D3 BIOS CODE : none 1. Fixed that some flash run bootblock after update ESCD/DMI 2. Modify ASUS DVD ROM UDMA 1 to UDMA 33 3. Modify H/W monitor value to match CPU Vcore value 4. ADD IDE PROFORMNCE BIOS DATE : NOV/03/2000 CK:154D BIOS CODE : 2K093 1. Remove " Slight Adjust Item " and support full clock gen. table 2. FIX VT686B hang"2b" FOR PRODUCTION TEST .

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