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Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox JB3 free download

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File information:
File name:Replacing the LCD screen on a Creative Nomad Jukebox JB3 v3.pdf
[preview Nomad Jukebox JB3]
Size:681 kB
Mfg:Creative Labs
Model:Nomad Jukebox JB3 🔎
Original:Derived 🔎
Descr:How to replace the LCD screen on a Creative Nomad Jukebox 3
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
Multipart:No multipart

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File name Replacing the LCD screen on a Creative Nomad Jukebox JB3 v3.pdf

How to replace the LCD screen on a Creative Jukebox 3 How to replace the LCD screen on a Creative Jukebox 3 Acknowledgements Thanks to Bill Scoville for describing the process, and to all the NJB crowd at Jumping Cholla. Introduction This procedure applies to a Jukebox 3, however the same LCD screen is used in the Jukebox 1 and 2, so the method should be similar. The screen in my JB3 broke when I dropped the unit onto the floor. The edge of the screen is not supported particularly well, and one of the corners cracked. You can see the damage in Figure 7 on page 7. Warning Although you do not need any special tools or skills to complete this procedure, you should be aware of the following: 1 Remember to discha rge a ll sta tic electricity from yourself. Touch a wa ter pipe or ta p/ fa ucet before before opening up the JB3. 2 The LCD screen is a delica te component. Be ca reful not to drop it or put stress on the da ta ca ble. 3 You perform this procedure entirely a t your own risk. It worked for me; it ma y not work for you. What you will need · A sma ll Phillips hea d/ sta r screwdriver · A sma ll, fla t-bla ded jeweller's screwdriver · A bowl for the screws a nd rubber feet (they a re sma ll a nd ea sy to lose) · A cra ft or hobby knife with a long, thin bla de · Cra ft glue (not superglue - it's too strong) · Some non-slip foa m, or something soft to support the JB3 · A working LCD screen (displa y) suita ble for a JB1, JB2 or JB3. O verview The ma in sta ges of this procedure a re: · Disa ssembling the JB3 · Removing the LCD screen from the ba cking pla te · Disconnecting the da ta ca ble · Removing the screen · Pra ctice: repla cing the screen · Re-inserting the da ta ca ble · Finishing up a nd rea ssembling the JB3 1 How to replace the LCD screen on a Creative Jukebox 3 Disassembling the JB3 4 Remove the ba ttery or ba tteries from the JB3, or disconnect the power ca ble. 5 Disconnect a ny other ca bles from the JB3. 6 Remove the fa cepla ce from the front of the JB3 by ca refully levering it off from the thumbhole, a t [A] in Figure 1. The da ma ge to my JB3 is pla in: you ca n only see t

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