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Sony TVP0296 free download

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TV Products CSV-1 Service Bulletin Sony Service Company - Technical Services A Division of Sony Electronics Inc. Sony Drive, Park Ridge, New Jersey 07656 Model: KV-13VM20, KV-13VM21, KV-20VM20 No. 296 Subject: Q1801 replacement may cause unit to shut Date: March 11, 1996 down Symptom: (111) Unit ticks momentary then shuts down. Solution: Q1801 (stand by regulator on the D board) was replaced during early production with a metal tap type transistor 2SD1135-C). Although this transistor is not connected to a heat sink it is mounted next to IC1801's heat sink. Because of it's closeness to the IC1801 heat sink the metal tap may touch the heat sink. If this should occur re- mount Q1801 and add a dab of RTV (7-322-065-19) between the transistor and heat sink. REF FORMER NEW DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PART NUMBER Q1801 2SD2092 N/A 2SD1135-C 8-729-301-42 Reference: FPR-R0206 PRINTED IN USA Autoflagged - NO PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER xxx Products Service Bulletin No. xxx Filename: TVP0296.SB Directory: J:\SBDOC\MAR96 Template: C:\WINWORD\TEMPLATE\S_BULL.DOT Title: Subject: Author: Hoyt Wing Lee Keywords: Comments: Creation Date: 03/11/96 3:50 PM Revision Number: 2 Last Saved On: 03/11/96 3:50 PM Last Saved By: Hoyt Wing Lee Total Editing Time: 0 Minutes Last Printed On: 04/01/96 9:34 AM As of Last Complete Printing Number of Pages: 2 Number of Words: 166 (approx.) Number of Characters: 950 (approx.)

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