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Now downloading free:TK [Toshin Kogyo] TK [radial] UTCMZ Series

TK [Toshin Kogyo] TK [radial] UTCMZ Series free download

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ELECTROLYTIC ELECTROLYTICCAPACITORS 7mm 7mm Height Low Impedance JIS C5101 JIS C5101 UTCMZ CE-04 TYPE UTCMZ CE-04 FEATURES 7mmL wide temperature range low impedance article of product height 7mmL. /DIAGRAM OF DIMENSIONS D 6.3 8 F 2.5 3.5 d 0.5 0.5 / PERFORMANCE SPESIFICATIONS CATEGORY TEMPERATURE RANGE 55 105 STANDARD CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE 20 20 I=0.01CV or 3A ,WHICHEVER C=RATED CAPACITANCE (F LEALAGE CURRENT MAX.VALUE IS THE GREATER (after 2 minutes) V=WORKING VOLTAGEV W.V 10 50 Tan 0.2 0.11 DISSIPATION FACTOR (MAX.VALUE) tan When the capasitance exceed 1,000F, the value of tan is increased by 0.02 for each increment of 1,000F or its fraction. ENDURANCE CAPACITANCE CHANGE : LESS THAN 25% OF THE INITIAL APRLCATION OF RATED OPERATING MEASURED VALUE. VOLTAGE,AT105 FOR 2000Hrs DISSIPATION FACTOR : LESS THAN 200% OF THE INITIAL SPECIFIED VALUE LEALAGE CURRENT : LESS THAN THE INITIAL SPESIFIED VALUE. JIS THE OTHER CHARACTERISTICS THE OTHER CHARACTERISTICS ARE BASED ON JIS C 5101-4 C5101-4 When the ripple frequency differs from the specification shown in the list of standard products, multiply the value with the coeffcient below, and use the products under the obtained value. /FREQUENCY CORRECTION FACTOR Freq.Hz Cap.F 120 1K 10K

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