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Now downloading free:cdc CYBER 180 Architectural Objectives Rev C Jun78

cdc CYBER 180 Architectural Objectives Rev C Jun78 free download

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File name:CYBER_180_Architectural_Objectives_Rev_C_Jun78.pdf
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Original:CYBER 180 Architectural Objectives Rev C Jun78 🔎
Descr: . Rare and Ancient Equipment cdc cyber cyber_180 architecture CYBER_180_Architectural_Objectives_Rev_C_Jun78.pdf
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File name CYBER_180_Architectural_Objectives_Rev_C_Jun78.pdf

MEf\~O r;:I. ~ CONTR.OL DATA r;:l c::\ CONTR.OL DATA \::J r:::J CORPOR[\TION \!:J r::.; CORPOR[\TION Baseline Change ~~-~~~~;~pma~----~L~~~~~~ FROM e)l.T. LOC ... TION: TO. ------'LOCATIOH. IFROM LDCA liON: [. H. Michehl _ _ _ _--'--'2=..!;!bb9 ARH293 ~_L-_ _ _L _ _~C~ntrol Distribut=-i=-on~~______ _ Board ~~HOP~ __ ~-- OATE: SUS;Eel, OATE; _fyO[~~O_~~.~/R~,~R~e~v~.~~(~ ____________________________~b 112/7B EffJt9; of AO/R Revisl.tms on Exis.tin9..JlRL'~s"-- ______________-lb1bntL__ Attached is the NPP-approved (VSER 180 Architectural Objectives, Revision C. This document should be reviewed against existing DR's per the accs direction memo of b/b/7B. When Revision ( of the (YBER lBO AO/R is approved by NPP, the following The three change summaries attached outline changes in content between procedure applies. Revision B {Rev. 9} and Revision C {Rev. 12}. Please submit your updated statements of comoliance to the NPP Program Office as soon as All projects operating against an existing CVeER 180 DR will carefully possible. . review the revised AO/R and submit a new statement of compliance to the CVSER 180 Program Office within 10 working days of AO/R distribution. -12 E. H. Mi~~h-e~h'l------~ DIt' ector /?/! .

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