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Now downloading free:Gloria [axial] GAX-GAXL Series

Gloria [axial] GAX-GAXL Series free download

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Original:[axial] GAX-GAXL Series 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors Gloria Gloria [axial] GAX-GAXL Series.pdf
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File name Gloria [axial] GAX-GAXL Series.pdf

Axial Low Voltage 85 Fetures Standard low voltage general purpose use. Diagram of Dimensions Lead Spacing and Diameter Internal Structure Dimensions and Permissible Ripple Current 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 (8) (13) (20) (32) (44) (63) (79) (125) DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA DXL mA 0.1 OR1 5 x 12 1.5 5 x 12 3.0 5 x 12 3.0 0.22 R22 5 x 12 3.5 5 x 12 4.5 5 x 12 4.5 0.33 R33 5 x 12 5.0 5 x 12 7.5 5 x 12 7.5 0.47 R47 5 x 12 6.0 5 x 13 9.0 5 x 13 9.0 1 010 5 x 13 10 5 x 13 15 5 x 13 15 2.2 2R2 5 x 13 20 5 x 13 30 5 x 13 30 3.3 3R3 5 x 13 30 5 x 13 36 6.3 x 12 41 4.7 4R7 5 x 13 42 5 x 13 44 6.3 x 12 50 10 100 5 x 12 55 6.3 x 12 65 6.3 x 12 68 6.3 x 12 72 22 220 5 x 12 71 5 x 12 76 6.3 x 12 88 6.3 x 12 96 6.3 x 14 109 8 x 16 133 33 330 5 x 12 78 5 x 13 88 6.3 x 12 100 6.3 x 14 115 6.3 x 14 126 8 x 13 154 10 x 17 190 47 470 5 x 12 87 5 x 13 94 6.3 x 13 111 6.3 x 12 119 6.3 x 14 138 8 x 13 174 8 x 16 214 10 x 21 237 100 101 6.3 x 12 136 6.3 x 12 145 6.3 x 16 174 8 x 16 215 8 x 16 232 10 x 17 296 10 x 21 326 13 x 22 377 220 221 6.3 x 14 215 6.3 x 16 231 8 x 16 298 8 x 16 319 10 x 17 401 10 x 21 459 13 x 22 527 16 x 27 625 330 331 8 x 16 305 8 x 16 327 8 x 16 365 10 x 17 454 10 x 21 514 13 x 22 613 13 x 27 675 16 x 33 793 470 471 8 x 16 364 8 x 16 390 8 x 20 460 10 x 17 542 10 x 21 613 13 x 22 731 13 x 27 780 16 x 37 942 1000 102 10 x 17 671 10 x 17 662 10 x 21 775 13 x 22 873 13 x 27 955 16 x 33 1111 18 x 37 1249 22 x 43 1359 2200 222 13 x 26 929 13 x 22 1051 13 x 22 1125 16 x 27 1344 16 x 33 1421 18 x 42 1699 22 x 43 1744 3300 332 13 x 22 1150 13 x 27 1288 16 x 27 1454 16 x 33 1611 16 x 37 1640 22 x 43 2027 25 x 52 2309 470

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