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NIMS Registration Number: CERTIFICATIONING ACHIEVEMENT RECORD (CAR) MACHINE SERVICE AND REPAIR, LEVEL III This CAR covers machine service, repair, rebuilding, relocation, and installation This CAR focuses on mechanical, hydraulic, and pneumatic machine systems CANDIDATE INFORMATION Candidate: Name: (Please Print) _______________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________ City ______________________ State ________Zip _______________ Beginning Date of Employment With the Company Identified Below: ________________ Certificate Areas Being Sought: _____ Machine Servicing _____ Machine Repair/Rebuilding _____ Machine Servicing and Repair _____ Machine Relocation//Installation Candidate's Employer: Company Name: (Please Print) ____________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________ City ______________________ State ________ Zip _______________ Contact Information: Voice # ____________________ Fax # _____________________ Company Sponsor: Name: (Please Print) ___________________ Title _______________ E-mail Address: _______________________________________________ The National Institute for Metalworking Skills, Inc.; 4/15/04 1 CERTIFICATION ACHIEVEMENT RECORD (CAR) MACHINE SERVICE AND REPAIR LEVEL III [Covers machine service, repair, rebuilding, relocation, and installation] This Certification Achievement Record (CAR) is the official report for documenting successful performance in meeting requirements for Machine Service and Repair Level III and is offered by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills, Inc. [NIMS], on behalf of the metalworking industry nationwide. The requirements for the certificate have been validated to the standards specified in Duties and Standards for Machine Maintenance, Repair, and Service Skills. These standards are ANSI approved standards and are available on the NIMS website [] or in hard copy form by contacting NIMS at 703.352.4971. Three particular qualities are to be noted about this Certification Achievement Record: 1. The requirements for the certificate have been developed by a workgroup of industry personnel with service, repair, rebuilding, installation, and/or machine relocating responsibilities. 2. The design of the CAR is consistent with the guidelines of the National Occupational Competency Assurance [NOCA] program. 3. The contents of the CAR have been validated nationally by multiple companies across the nation. Who or what is NIMS? The National Institute for Metalworking Skills, Inc., is a not-for-profit national educational foundation created and sponsored by major metalworking trade associations. NIMS was created to develop and manage skill standards for metalworking occupations and industries, and is certified by the American National Standards Institute [ANSI] as a developer of skill standards. NIMS also administers an assessment program that enables individuals to certify their metalworking skills and knowledge to the skill standards,

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