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Now downloading free:honeywell DATAmatic 1000 Automatic Programming Manual Volume 1 Assembly Program 1957

honeywell DATAmatic 1000 Automatic Programming Manual Volume 1 Assembly Program 1957 free download

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File name DATAmatic_1000_Automatic_Programming_Manual_Volume_1_Assembly_Program_1957.pdf

~~y;:~. COpy NO. ? 8;) DATAmatic 1000 AUTOMATIC PROGRAMMING MANUAL VOLUME I THE ASSEMBLY PROGRAM Copyright - 1957 DATAmatic A Division of Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Company 151 Needham Street Newton.Highlands 61, Mass. Printed in U. S. A. DSI-6 PREFACE The present manual represents Volume I of a set of Autom~tic Programming Manuals. It serves to introduce the concept of auto- matic programming as applied to the DATAmatic 1000 Electronic Data-Processing System. The main body of this volume is devoted to a description and explanation of an Assembly Program for use with this system. The DATAmatic 1000 body of instructions is re- viewed, special Assembly Program instructions are described, and the procedure for writing a program to be assembled is developed, step by step. For the benefit of readers not familiar with the DATA- matic 1000, a brief description of the system precedes the manual. Volume II is devoted to the DATAmatic ABC-1 Automatic Business Compiler, which permits the programmer to write complicated pro- grams in easily learned codes. This volume also describes the Library Additions and Maintenance Program (LAMP), by means of which the programmer may utilize, modify, and/or add to a set of frequently used routines stored on a special tape called the Sub- routine Library. This Subroutine Library is listed and described in a loose-leaf appendix to the Automatic Programming Manuals. Volume m is a Utility Manual which describes a number of Service Routines, such as a Tracer Routine, a Storage Print Routine, a Program Modifier Routine, and a Tape Editor Routine. These rou- tines perform service functions which facilItate maintenance and use of the various automatic programming devices available with the DATAmatic 1000. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface iii Introduction to the DATAmatic 1000 vii Introduction to Automatic Programming xxi Programmer's Language 1 Word Structure 1 Tags 6 Absolute Tags 6 Relative Tags 8 Constants 12 Control Instructions 14 START 14 SEGMENT START 16 READ DmECTED SEGMENT 17 Hollerith Card Format 19 Input Converter Op

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