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Now downloading free:Aiwa HV-FX970

Aiwa HV-FX970 free download

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File name:AIWA-HV-FX-970-GX910Alim.pdf
[preview HV-FX970]
Size:48 kB
Model:HV-FX970 🔎 HVFX970
Original:HV-FX970 🔎
Descr:HV-FX970 / GX910 Schematic diagram
Group:Electronics > Consumer electronics > Audio
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File name AIWA-HV-FX-970-GX910Alim.pdf

AIWA HV-FX970/GX910 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM-1(POWER SECTION) A MAIN(POWER SECTION)C.B Q153 KTC2804-Y 14.8 11.8 D152 1N4003A D154 1N4003A D155 1N4003A 1B C159 10/16 11.8 9.4 5.3VA 9V 5VT 33VT 5V GND To TUNER/IF SECTION 1B 6B Q151 KTC3203-Y 14.8 11.9 12.4 2B C156 10/16 3B 4B R152 1.2K C152 4.7/50 10.0 Q152 KTC3203-Y R151 1.2K ZD151 MTZ13A BD101 S1WBA60 R101 2.7 2W R104 56K 2W C103 68/400 BC101 BEAD CORE BC102 BEAD CORE D102 ERA22-10 C105 0.01/630 10 C106 100P/1K 4 11 8 C118 220/10 D108 EU01W T101 EER2828 6 9 D109 RU4YXLF L104 22U C157 10/16 12.5 ZD153 MTZ13A C153 4.7/50 R171 3.9K ZD152 MTZ10C 10.0 R 5B 0 6B C151 4.7/50 0 Q165 KRC101M 1A C120 470/25 C121 470/25 2A 3A 12VA GND To SCART SECTION 1A 3A FR02 4.7 1/4W C119 47/50 Q154 KTC3198 -27.3 -27.3 L105 100U Q155 KRA103M 5.2 R C102 0.1/275 R102 100K 2W 16.1 (16.3) C122 0.022 R164 12K -26.6 R165 12K 1C 12.3V(CAP) ZD104 MTZ5.6B C155 0.1 2C 12V(DRUM) 3C 4C 5C -27VG -21VG(F-) -15VG(F+) 7 12 D104 EU01W 2 C109 33/25 1 Buffer Amp. D107 F103 ICP-N10 ERA18 R114 100K 0 Q156 KTC3203-Y -16.1 -16.0 5.3 5 VCC L102 33m Slort OVP Reg1(9.4V) Reg2(7.2V) Reg3(7.2V) OSC Drive S R Q FB OCP Latch DROIN 1 309 R103 8.2 13 D106 ERC81-004L C116 1000/16 L103 22U C117 470/16 -15.4 R166 2.2K R167 2.2K Q157 KRA103M 5.2 R 0 C101 0.1/275 TSD 15 D105 EU01W C115 47/50 5.3 4.6 6C STAND-BY "H" R170 1K 5.3 2 0 R116 330 IC102 PC123Y 4.0 4.9 Q158 KTA1268-BL R119 3.3K 1% 35.6 35.3 R169 1K 5.3 7C 5VG FH02 F101 T1.6A/250V Counter OCP Mirror FB Curent Detector 4 1 R117 2.2K FH01 4 PW101 IC101 STR-G6153T R109 GND 0.35 2W C111 0.022 3 0 R118 1K C114 0.047 Q164 KSA1273 R154 1K 3 0 R155 35.0 27K 0 R R156 10K 5.0 R157 1K FB 4.0 (4.6) 2 4.0 1 IC103 KA431AZ 3 2.5 R120 2.7K 1% R161 270 4.5 R162 330 D151 1SS133 5.2 8C TIMER "H" 0 C112 3300P/400 2 0 R121 180 5.3 5.3 Q160 KRC101M 9C 10C C123 47/6.3 0 5.0 5.2 Q162 KTA1273 Q159 KTA1273 R172 12K C124 22/16 5VT 5V C113 220P/400 POWER CORD R158 270 4.5 11C PWR CTL "H" R159 330 0 Q161 KTC3199-BL 12C 13C 5.3VA GND To SYSCON/ SERVO SECTION 1C 13C NOTE:ONE VOLTAGE:PB OR REC MODE TWO VOLTAGES:PB AND (REC) MODE :HOT CIRCUIT 1D 2D 3D 5VT 5V GND To AUDIO/ VIDEO SECTION 1D 3D 19 20

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