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Now downloading free:cdc 77765276A 94316 Wren III Half-Height ESDI Product Specification Dec87

cdc 77765276A 94316 Wren III Half-Height ESDI Product Specification Dec87 free download

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SPEC 77765276 t::I c:\ CONTR,OL DATA CO 9 \!:I r:!ICOFJ'O~TION REV A Issue DATE De~ember, 1987 PA<3E 1 of 68 ~---------------------------------------------~--------------- PRODUCT SPECIFICATION FOR TM WREN III HH ESDI MODEL 94216 t::I c:\ MAGNETIC PERJ PH ERALS. INC. \:::I r:::J a Control Data Company COPYRIGHT @ 1987 by MAGNETIC PERIPHERALS INC. ALl. RIGHTS RESERVED Printed in the United States of America This publiCc'1tion may contain application, high technology, or product specification data, 01'" any combination thereof, is considere.d advance teChnical information by the producer, and is subject to change without prior notice. PRODUCT SPECIFICATION - WREN t I;~ HH ESDI MODEL 94216 77765276-A THIS SPECIFICATICIN OUTLINES THE PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA OF THE 94216 WRE~r I I I HH ESDI. SPECIFIC MODEL A\rAILABILITY CAN BE CONF!RMED BY YOUR CDC OEM SALES REPRESENTATIVE . (2135P) -2- PRODUCT SPECIFICATION - WREN 111 au ESDI MODEL 94216 77765276-A SUMMARY The CDC WREN Peripheral family is composed of the following members. For specific information on each member, refer to the appropriate documents. I I MODEL I PRODUCT I I CAPACITY I 1 NAME 1 NUMBER * ISPECIFICATIONI INTERFACE I {MEGABYTES) J I I 1 -r- I 1 WREN II I 94155-XX 1 1'7715909 CDC 506 (ST506 COMP.) 148, 57, 67, 77 or 86 I I WREN II 1 94156-XX 1 77738019 ESOl 146, 67 or 86 I 1 WREN II I 94151-YY I 77738208 SCSI (SASITM Subset) I 25 to 80 I I WREN II HHI 94205-XX 1 77738161 CDC 506 (ST506 COMP.) 130, 41 or 51 I I I I I I 1 WREN III I 94166-XXXI 77738212 ESDI 1101, 141 or 182 I I WREN III I 94161-YYYl 1'7738270 SCSI ** 179, 110 or 142 (256 Byte)1 I I I 186, 121 or 155 (512 Byte) I I I 1 189, 124 or 160{1024 Byte) I I I

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