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Hitachi PF08103A free download

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Model:PF08103A 🔎
Original:PF08103A 🔎
Descr:Dualband GSM Amplifier
Group:Electronics > Components > Operational amplifiers
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PF08103A MOS FET Power Amplifier Module for E-GSM900 and DCS1800 Dual Band Handy Phone ADE-208-685B (Z) 3rd Edition Apr. 1999 Application · Dual band amplifier for E-GSM900 (880 to 915 MHz) and DCS1800 (1710 to 1785 MHz). · For 4.8 V nominal battery use Features · · · · · · 1 in / 2 out dual band amplifier Simple external circuit including output matching circuit Simple band switching and power control High gain 3stage amplifier : +4.5 dBm input Lead less thin & Small package : 11 × 13.75 × 1.8 mm High efficiency : 48% Typ at 34.5 dBm for E-GSM 36% Typ at 31.5 dBm for DCS1800 PF08103A Internal Circuit Block Diagram Band Select and Power Control (H: 2 V Min, L: 0.3 V Max) Operating Mode GSM Tx ON DCS Tx ON Tx OFF VCTL H L L VCTL L H L Vapc Control Control < 0.2 V Current of Control Pin Control Pin VCTL Equivalent Input Circuit Control Current 160 µA Max at 3 V VCTL 80 µA Max at 3 V Vapc 3 mA Max at 3 V 2 PF08103A Internal Diagram and External Circuit 3 PF08103A Absolute Maximum Ratings (Tc = 25°C) Item Supply voltage Supply current Symbol VDD I DD GSM I DD DCS VCTL , V CTL voltage Vapc voltage Input power Operating case temperature Storage temperature Output power VCTL, VCTL Vapc Pin Tc (op) Tstg Pout GSM Pout DCS Rating 8.5 3 3 4 4 10 ­30 to +100 ­30 to +100 5 3 Unit V A A V V dBm °C °C W W Note: The maximum ratings shall be valid over both the E-GSM-band (880-915 MHz), and the DCSband (1710-1785 MHz). Electrical Characteristics for DC (Tc = 25°C) Item Drain cutoff current Symbol Ids Min -- -- Typ -- -- Max 20 300 Unit µA µA Test Condition Vdd = 6.0 V, Vapc = 0 V, VCTL = 0 V, VCTL = 0 V Vdd = 8.5 V, Vapc = 0 V, VCTL = 0 V, VCTL = 0 V, Tc = ­20 to +80°C VCTL = 3.0 V VCTL = 3.0 V VCTL control current VCTL control current I CTL I CTL -- -- 100 50 160 80 µA µA 4 PF08103A Electrical Characteristics for GSM900 mode (Tc = 25°C) Test conditions unless otherwise noted: f = 880 to 915MHz, Vdd1 = Vdd2 = 4.8V, Pin = +4.5dBm, V CTL = 2.0V, V CTL = 0.3V, Rg = Rl = 50, Tc = 25°C, Pulse operation with pulse width 577 µs and duty cycle 1:8 shall be used. Item Frequency range Control voltage range Vapc control current Total efficiency 2nd harmonic distortion 3rd harmonic distortion 4th~8th harmonic distortion Input VSWR Output power (1) Output power (2) Isolation Isolation at DCS RF-output when GSM is active Switching time Stability Symbol f Vapc Iapc T 2nd H.D. 3rd H.D. 4th~8th H.D. VSWR (in) Pout (1) Pout (2) -- -- Min 880 0.2 -- 43 -- -- -- -- 35.0 33.0 -- -- Typ -- -- -- 48 ­45 ­45 -- 2 35.7 34.0 ­40 ­30 Max 915 3.0 3 -- ­35 ­35 ­35 3 -- -- ­20 ­20 Unit MHz V mA % dBc dBc dBc -- dBm dBm dBm dBm Vapc = 3.0V Vdd = 4.2V, Vapc = 3.0V, Tc = +85°C, Pin = +3dBm Vapc = 0.2 V Pout GSM = 34.5dBm (GSM mode) Measured at f = 1760 to 1830MHz Pout = ­15 to 35.0dBm Vapc = 3.0V Pout GSM Test Condition = 34.5dBm, Vapc = control tr, tf -- -- 1 2 µs -- GSM No parasitic oscillation All spuriouses < ­36 dBm VDD = 4.2 to 6.3V, Pout 35.0dBm, Vapc 3

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