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Now downloading free:Kenwood NXR-800 K4 TA

Kenwood NXR-800 K4 TA free download

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KENWOOD Confidential 24/Sep/2009 Measuring NXR-800 K4 1 Power up procedure 1.1 Turning on NXR-800 has no power switch. It operates by ON/OFF of an external power-supply unit. The power cable of the attachment must be both connected with the power-supply unit and NXR-800. The power-supply unit with the ON/OFF function of the output voltage is recommended. After the output voltage of the power-supply unit is set to a necessary voltage, turned on the output voltage of the power-supply unit. Switch existing in the volume knob on front panel of NXR-800 controls audio output ON/OFF, not a power switch. When the power supply is turned on, NXR-800 begins CPU start sequence. LED of the front panel begins blinking. LED lights when about one minute passes. All afterwards, 17segments LED begins blinking. When about one minute passes, channel information is displayed in 17 segments LED. At this point, the operation preparation of NXR-800 is completed. OCXO is built into NXR-800. Built-in OCXO needs warm up time. General measurement should be started 15 minutes later after the power supply turned on. Warm up for about at least 30 minutes when you execute the measurement of the frequency precision. 1.2 Until OCXO and the modulator operate normally Built-in OCXO can be switched non-active/active. OCXO starts in active mode when the power supply is turned on ("RPT DISABLE" Key LED lighting). Pressing the "RPT DISABLE" Key changes OCXO Non-active/active whenever Key is pressed. ("RPT DISABLE" Key LED is off when OCXO is in non-active mode.) . OCXO LED (Showing the status of a standard signal) lights green when OCXO is used. When OCXO is not used and the internal standard signal is used, LED will be off. While using the standard signal input Page 1 KENWOOD Confidential 24/Sep/2009 from the outside equipment, LED lights in orange. The frequency precision is not guaranteed during 30minutes from power supply turned on. Measure it after 30 minutes or more from the power supply turning on of OCXO (At the activated time) when you measure the frequency stability level and the modulation characteristic, etc. If measuring after the "RPT DSABLE" key pressed (OCXO off), wait at least 1minute after turning the OXCO on again. This will make enough time to settle the built-in frequency of PLL. There is no need to wait when changing the channel with 'B' or 'C' key. 1.3 About 'E3' display of 17 segments LED "E3" display might appear to 17segment LED when "RPT DSABLE" key is turned on and off. About one minute passes, "E3" display becomes a usual channel display as previously stated. This is normal

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