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Now downloading free:AOC EN7410 Monitor LCD

AOC EN7410 Monitor LCD free download

Computer monitors - CRT, TFT, LCD, touch screen, plasma display - service manuals and repair information

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File name:EN7410 (L7c service manual-1A-final1006).pdf
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Model:EN7410 Monitor LCD 🔎
Original:EN7410 🔎
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File name EN7410 (L7c service manual-1A-final1006).pdf

L7C Monitor Service Menu for the EN7410 August,23, 2004 Revision: 1A Issued By: Checked By: _________________________________________________________________________________ The release of this document is under controlled by the company. Any extra copy of this document must be written permission by the product manager. _________________________________________________________________________________ L7c service manual-1A-final1006.doc of 56 Page1 - Techview Confidential PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version L7C Monitor - Techview Confidential ­ History Page Reversion 1A Date 8/23/2004 Remark 1ST Released. L7c service manual-1A-final1006.doc of 56 Page2 - Techview Confidential PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version L7C Monitor Content Chapter A. WARNING B. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. DIMENSIONS 2. GENERAL INFORMATION 3. SPECIFICATIONS 4. THEORY OF OPERATION 5. DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 6. CONTROL LOCATION 7. NECESSARY EQUIPMENT LIST 8. BLOCK DIAGRAM 9. CONDUCTOR VIEW 10. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 11. EXPLODED VIEW 12. TROUBLE SHOOTING HINTS 13. REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST 14. AUTO BALANCE Page 4 5 6 8 10 19 22 27 36 37 39 41 48 49 52 56 L7c service manual-1A-final1006.doc of 56 Page3 - Techview Confidential PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version L7C Monitor WARNING This service information is designed for experienced repair technicians only and is not designed for user by the general public It does not contain warnings or cautions to advise non-technical individuals of potential dangers in attempting to service a product. Products powered by electricity should be serviced or repaired only by experienced professional technicians. Any attempt to service or repair the product or products dealt within this service information by anyone else could result in serious injury or death. L7c service manual-1A-final1006.doc of 56 Page4 - Techview Confidential PDF created with pdfFactory Pro trial version L7C Monitor SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 1. CAUTION: No modification of any circuit should be attempted. Service worker should only be performed after going through to familiar with all of the following safety checks and servicing guidelines. 2. SAFETY CHECK Care should be taken while servicing this LCD display. Because of the high voltage is used in the inverter circuit. These voltages are exposed in such areas as the associated transformer circuits. 3. POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS The internal power converter with the attached AC power cord is necessary for the LCD monitor. Any attempt to replace another power converter could result in serious of problems on the display. 4. LEAKAGE CURRENT HOT CHECK 4-1 Plug the AC cord directly into the AC outlet. Do not use an isolation transformer during this check. 4-2 Connect a 1500 ohm, 10 watt resistor, paralleled by a 0.15uF capacitor between each metallic part and a good earth ground. 4-3 Use an AC voltmeter with 1000 ohm /

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