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Now downloading free:TF [Xiamen Gaojing] TF-Gaojing [radial thru-hole] CD286 Series

TF [Xiamen Gaojing] TF-Gaojing [radial thru-hole] CD286 Series free download

Electronic components, integrated circuits, semiconductor - datasheets and schematics

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Model:TF-Gaojing [radial thru-hole] CD286 Series 🔎
Original:TF-Gaojing [radial thru-hole] CD286 Series 🔎
Descr: . Electronic Components Datasheets Passive components capacitors TF [Xiamen Gaojing] TF-Gaojing [radial thru-hole] CD286 Series.pdf
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File name TF-Gaojing [radial thru-hole] CD286 Series.pdf

CD286 CD286 Series Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor 1055000 56.3mm 2000 810mm 3000 Guaranteed long life for 5000 hours at 10556.3mm 2000h810mm 3000h High frequeny and lower impedance products Specifications Description Characteristics - 40 + 105 Operating temperature range 6.3 50V Rated working voltage range 1 10000F Capacitance range M- 20 + 20 Capacitance tolerance 20 120Hz 2 I 0.02CRUR 3A Shall be measured after 2 minute the rated D.C working voltage. Less than the greater Leakage current20 of 0.02CRUR or 3 A CRNominal capacitanceF UR: Rated voltage (V) UR / V 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 tg 0.22 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 Tangent of loss angle 20 120Hz 1000F 1000F 0.02 For capacitors whose capacitance exceeds 1000F the value of tg is increased by 0.02 for every additional 1000F 105 5000 56.3 2000 810 3000 Test condition Rated voltage applied for 5000 hours56.3 2000810 3000at 105

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