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Now downloading free:Precision Gold N56FU

Precision Gold N56FU free download

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File information:
File name:Drivers_EM6000.rar
Size:13964 kB
Mfg:Precision Gold
Model:N56FU 🔎
Descr:this is the PC software for the EM6000 / Maplin N56FU multimeter, its old but seems to work on on Windows 10 X64.
Group:Electronics > Components
Multipart:No multipart

Information about the files in archive:
Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:3
File name Release Notes.txt

CP210x Windows Driver v4.38 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2006 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. This release contains the following components: * slabunin.exe * slabunin2k.exe * slabunin.u98 * slabunin.u2k * * * slabbus.inf * slabvxd.inf * slabw2k.inf * slabwdm.inf * slabbus.sys * slabcm95.sys * slabcmnt.sys * slabcr.sys * slabser.sys * slabwh95.sys * slabwhnt.sys * slabcomm.vxd * slabvcd.vxd * slabvcr.vxd * Readme.txt (this file) Driver Installation ------------------- See Kit User's Guide for installation instructions. CP210x Windows Driver Revision History -------------------------------------- version 4.38 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Extended suprise removal support added to fix COM port hang. WHQL Certified for Windows XP and 2000. Version 4.28a New features/Enhancements ------------------------- WHQL Certified for Windows XP and 2000. Version 4.28 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Includes Preinstaller executable and with added preinstaller support in uninstaller executable and ini files. Corrections ----------- Fixed driver lock condition caused by certain invalid port settings. Fixed Windows 98 PreInstaller issue. Version 4.20 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Changed driver binary file names from cyg_* to slab*. Also changed default inf file strings to SLAB and Silicon Laboratories. This installation includes catalog files for Windows 2000/XP Windows Hardware Quality Lab (WHQL) Certification. Corrections ----------- Modified behavior of SERIAL_EV_TXEMPTY event notification. Applications will no longer miss TXEMPTY events if a write is pending during the IOCTL_SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK control request. Version 4.16 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Corrections ----------- Changed behavior for IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT for correct modem event insertion. Version 4.09 Initial Release
File name ReleaseNotes.txt

CP210x Windows XP/2003/Vista(32/64)/7(32/64)/8(32/64) Driver v6.6.1 Release Notes Copyright (C) 2012 Silicon Laboratories, Inc. This release contains the following components: * x64 directory * silabser.sys * silabenm.sys * x86 directory * silabser.sys * silabenm.sys * CP210xVCPInstaller_x86.exe (DPInst) * CP210xVCPInstaller_x64.exe (DPInst) * dpinst.xml (DPInst initialization file) * * slabvcp.inf * ReleaseNotes.txt (this file) Driver Installation ------------------- See Kit User's Guide for installation instructions. Release Dates ------------- CP210x USB to UART Bridge Driver v6.6.1 - December 11, 2012 Supported Operating Systems --------------------------- Windows 8 (64/32), 7 (64/32), Vista (64/32), 2003, and XP CP210x Windows Driver Revision History -------------------------------------- version 6.6.1 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Added support for CP2108 devices Corrections ----------- Corrected bug where OS would hang on repitition of many rapid open/closes on certain systems. version 6.6 New features/Enhancements ------------------------- Moving installer format to DPInst Supported under Windows 8 Corrections ----------- Corrected bug in total write timeout calculation Corrected bug where EV_BREAK event could be misreported based on incoming data Corrected another BSOD corner case regarding write cancellation version 6.5.3 Corrections ----------- Corrected BSOD corner case for a write cancellation Corrected memory leak that occurs when a device is plugged/unplugged rapidly enough to allow driver startup function to fail version 6.5 Corrections ----------- Corrected BSOD corner case issue for handling control requests Corrected issue where USB 3.0 hubs would deliver data to the driver out of order version 6.4 Corrections ----------- Corrected multiple BSOD issues by updating request handling for control requests to the USB device, and the write completion method Corrected device removal routine to also undo the COM port naming in the registry at removal time instead of when the device is closed after the removal. version 6.3a Corrections ----------- Updated to 3.2 DriverInstaller to correct a bug seen when updating from an old driver installer version version 6.3 Corrections ----------- Corrected a bug introduced in 6.2 which caused BSOD during surprise removal. Corrected a bug found in I/O cancellation corner case version 6.2 Corrections ----------- Corrected return value for DeviceIoControl() and other COM API functions once the device is removed to properly show ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0x05) instead of ERROR_BAD_COMMAND in GetLastError() Corrected bug in DTR/RTS reporting latency seen if you set DTR/RTS and ask for it before the device has reported it to the host - now when it is written it reads back immediately
File name SLAB_License_Agreement_VCP_Windows.txt

LICENSE AGREEMENT SILICON LABS VCP DRIVER IMPORTANT: READ CAREFULLY BEFORE AGREEING TO TERMS THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS THE SILICON LABS VCP DRIVER AND INSTALLER PROGRAMS AND OTHER THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE.TOGETHER THESE PRODUCTS ARE REFERRED TO AS THE "LICENSED SOFTWARE". USE OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. DOWNLOADING THE LICENSED SOFTWARE AND INDICATING YOUR CONSENT TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE CONSTITUTES A BINDING AGREMENT BETWEEN SILICON LABORATORIES, INC. ("SILICON LABS") AND YOU OR YOUR EMPLOYER (IF APPLICABLE). IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT ON BEHALF YOUR EMPLOYER, THE TERMS "YOU" AND "YOUR" REFER TO YOUR EMPLOYER. WRITTEN APPROVAL IS NOT A PREREQUISITE TO THE VALIDITY OR ENFORCEABILITY OF THIS AGREEMENT. IF THESE TERMS ARE CONSIDERED AN OFFER BY SILICON LABS, ACCEPTANCE IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT, YOU MUST NOT USE THE LICENSED SOFTWARE AND YOU MUST DELETE ALL OF COPIES OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE FROM YOUR COMPUTER. 1. LICENSE: The Licensed Software is and will remain the property of Silicon Labs or a third party from whom Silicon Labs has the authorization to distribute to you subject to the terms of this Agreement. This Licensed Software is protected by state, federal, and international copyright laws. Subject at all times to your compliance with the terms of this License Agreement, Silicon Labs grants to you a nonexclusive license to use the Licensed Software as described in this License Agreement. Silicon Labs may revoke this license at any time if you fail to comply with the terms of this License Agreement. Certain parts of the Licensed Software, including DPInst.exe, are licensed from Microsoft Corporation. For information concerning licensing DPInst.exe and the redistributable pieces of WDF used in the driver, refer to the license.rtf file in the 7600.16385.1 version of the Windows Driver Kit, available through Microsoft. 2. CONTENTS OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE: The Licensed Software consists of the following items: a. Driver binaries b. INF file that describes the driver installation c. DPInst.exe that provides the GUI interface to install the drivers d. XML file that describes the DPInst.exe and GUI items 3. INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS: a. You may download and install the Licensed Software on one or more computers and make any number of copies. b. You may internally evaluate the Licensed Software. If you elect to use the Licensed Software for any other purpose, including modification and distribution, then the following additional terms apply to you. c. You may modify only the INF and XML files. You may modify these files with information concerning your company or your company's products. d. You may not modify the driver binary files or the DPInst.exe files. e. You may redistribute to your the Licensed Software only with the modified INF and XML files. Your redistrib

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